Kang, C.; Lee, W.D.; Kim, T.; Lee, T.K., and Hong, S., 2021. Behavior of multiple blocks mounted underwater using fluid-structure interaction and contact analysis. In: Lee, J.L.; Suh, K.-S.; Lee, B.; Shin, S., and Lee, J. (eds.), Crisis and Integrated Management for Coastal and Marine Safety. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue No. 114, pp. 589–593. Coconut Creek (Florida), ISSN 0749-0208.
This study discusses a method for estimating the structural stability of a coastal concrete structure with an emphasis on sliding and overturning due to tidal current or waves. Because of the complexity of fluid flow behavior, a coastal structure was assumed to be a rigid body for structural safety reviews. Namely, the safety reviews assume the stress and strain of a structure insignificant and focus only on the fluid analysis. However, a structural analysis should be considered especially if the structure is not of single, large block construction, such as artificial reef blocks, which are stacked on each other. An artificial reef is normally composed of small concrete blocks stacked together. A section of each block is relatively small and interacts with each other blocks. Macro issues, such as sliding and over-turning as well as micro issues such as stress concentration and contact between blocks must be considered. This study emphasizes the microstructural point of view, such as the stress and strain of each artificial block and the interaction between blocks. ABAQUS 2D fluid-structure interaction analysis was performed where the simultaneous analysis was completed using computational flow dynamics; in addition, the performance of a structural analysis using finite element modeling.