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6 July 2020 Lichenized and lichenicolous fungi of basaltoid rocks in Lower Silesia (SW Poland)
Maria Kossowska, Katarzyna Szczepańska
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Kossowska, M. & Szczepańska, K. 2020. Lichenized and lichenicolous fungi of basaltoid rocks in Lower Silesia (SW Poland). – Herzogia 33: 9 –24.

We present the results of lichenological studies conducted on 12 natural and anthropogenic outcrops of basaltoid rock within four physiogeographical units (mesoregions) of the Sudety Mountains and their foothills. In total, 92 taxa of lichens and six of lichenicolous fungi were recorded. The basaltoid rocks turned out to be a refuge for lichen biodiversity, including a number of rare and in Poland endangered species, e.g. Caloplaca chlorina, C. subpallida, Lasallia pustulata, Lecanora orosthea, L. pannonica, L. subaurea, Ramalina capitata, Rhizocarpon geminatum, Rimularia furvella and Stereocaulon pileatum. In the four analysed mesoregions, the lichen biota of basaltoid rocks were quite homogeneous with Sørensen-Dice similarity coefficients ranging from 53 to 68 %. However, individual mesoregions differed in the overall number of lichens, species composition and the number of exclusive species. Among the most frequent taxa, there was a distinct group which includes species that are characteristic for either neutral to basic substrata (Lecidella scabra) and mineral- or metal-rich rocks (Caloplaca subpallida, Lecanora rupicola, Lecidea fuscoatra, Rhizocarpon distinctum). These species, together with Trapelia placodioides, were present in all four mesoregions and may be considered typical for Lower Silesian basaltoids.

Maria Kossowska and Katarzyna Szczepańska "Lichenized and lichenicolous fungi of basaltoid rocks in Lower Silesia (SW Poland)," Herzogia 33(1), 9-24, (6 July 2020).
Accepted: 13 December 2019; Published: 6 July 2020
Central Europe
Epilithic lichens
Sudety Mountains
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