Pino-Bodas, R., Ahti, T. & Stenroos, S. 2017. Cladoniaceae of the Azores. — Herzogia 30: 445 — 462. Based on material collected from 40 localities on four islands of the Azores, three species of Cladonia are new to Macaronesia: C. conista, C. mauritiana and C. novochlorophaea and four are new to the Azores: C. bellidiflora, C. dimorpha, C. rei and Cladonia sp. In addition, several species are new to individual islands of the archipelago. Cladonia dactylota is new to continental Europe (SW France). Cladonia stereoclada, described from the Azores, is lectotypified. These data are complemented with annotations on species distribution and chemical variations. Uncertain specimens were sequenced to confirm the species identities.