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1 December 2016 Catalogue of the Lichenized and Lichenicolous Fungi of Kosovo
Helmut Mayrhofer, Dietmar Czeh, Eva-Maria Kobald, Peter Othmar Bilovitz
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Mayrhofer, H., Czeh, D., Kobald, E.-M. & Bilovitz, P. O. 2016. Catalogue of the lichenized and lichenicolous fungi of Kosovo. — Herzogia 29: 529–554.

The catalogue is based on a comprehensive evaluation of 37 publications containing records from Kosovo, and on recent collections from the Šar Planina. The lichen mycota as currently known includes 488 taxa (477 species with 5 subspecies, 5 varieties and 1 form) of lichenized and 25 species of lichenicolous fungi. Fifty one species are reported for the first time.

Helmut Mayrhofer, Dietmar Czeh, Eva-Maria Kobald, and Peter Othmar Bilovitz "Catalogue of the Lichenized and Lichenicolous Fungi of Kosovo," Herzogia 29(2), 529-554, (1 December 2016).
Accepted: 1 July 2016; Published: 1 December 2016
Balkan Peninsula
Šar Planina
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