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1 June 2011 Usnea flavocardia Found in Germany
Volker Otte
Author Affiliations +

OTTE, V. 2011. Usnea flavocardia found in Germany. — Herzogia 24: 151-154.

Usnea flavocardia was found in Lower Lusatia, Brandenburg, far northeast of its known Western and Southern European distribution range. There is no doubt that it is a recent colonisation in this area that was heavily influenced by S02 pollution during the 20th century. The appearance of U. flavocardia could be the result of milder winters of the last few years, but the possibility that the species was previously overlooked in Brandenburg cannot be ruled out.

Volker Otte "Usnea flavocardia Found in Germany," Herzogia 24(1), 151-154, (1 June 2011).
Accepted: 24 May 2011; Published: 1 June 2011
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