MARSTALLER, R. 2011. Sociology and distribution oí Leucobryum juniperoideum. 145th contribution to the bryophyte vegetation of Thuringia. — Herzogia 24: 121-143.
Leucobryum juniperoideum can be found in Thuringia in the northwestern part of Eichsfeld and in the northwestern part of the Thuringian Forest. It grows on sandstone, raw humus, rotten wood and occurs mainly in the associations Anastrepto orcadensis-Dicranodontietum denudati, Dicranello heteromallae-Campylopodetum flexuosi and Leucobryo glauci-Tetraphidetum pellucidae of the alliance Tetraphidion pellucidae, more rarely in the Lophocoleo heterophyllae-Dolichothecetum seligeri, Orthodicrano montani-Hypnetum filiformis, Hypnum jutlandicum community, Diplophylletum albicantis and Grimmio hartmanii-Hypnetum cupressiformis. Syntaxonomy, distribution, ecology and sociology (with 10 vegetation tables) of the communities with L. juniperoideum are described.