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1 December 2009 The Succulent Flora of Angola
Estrela Figueiredo, Gideon F Smith
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Having access to basic in-country biodiversity inventories is essential for informed decision making in, for example, determining priorities in conservation initiatives. To date Angola has suffered from a lack of access to such basic resources. A complete record of the country's plant resources was recently compiled, and for the first time environmental scientists have access to a basic floristic resource. This list was used as the basis for the compilation of the succulent list presented here. A total of 431 indigenous and naturalized taxa (from 422 species) out of a vascular plant flora of 7296 are succulent. The families with most succulent taxa in Angola are the Apocynaceae and Euphorbiaceae, followed by the Asphodelaceae. Euphorbia (with 57 taxa) and Aloe (with 28) are the genera with most succulents in Angola. Angola is the fourth most speciose country in terms of number of succulent taxa, in southern Africa, after South Africa, Namibia and Zimbabwe.

Estrela Figueiredo and Gideon F Smith "The Succulent Flora of Angola," Haseltonia 2009(15), 69-78, (1 December 2009).
Published: 1 December 2009
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