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1 December 2011 Lichens from the South Slough and Horsfall Dunes on the Southern Oregon Coast
Jesse E. D. Miller, Bruce McCune, David Kofranek, John Villella, Rick Demmer, Kristi Mergenthaler, Anne C. Barber
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Several notable lichens were found in the South Slough area near Coos Bay, Oregon, on a foray sponsored by the Northwest Lichenologists. A new record for Bryoria bicolor extends its southern range on the Pacific coast of North America, and information is presented on several other species, including Scoliciosporum sp., a little-reported, undescribed epiphyllous lichen.

Jesse E. D. Miller, Bruce McCune, David Kofranek, John Villella, Rick Demmer, Kristi Mergenthaler, and Anne C. Barber "Lichens from the South Slough and Horsfall Dunes on the Southern Oregon Coast," Evansia 28(4), 92-99, (1 December 2011).
Published: 1 December 2011
Bryoria bicolor
Cladonia prolifica
Leptogium insigne
Peltigera hymenina
Scoliciosporum sp
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