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1 June 2002 Estimating Populations of Idiarthron subquadratum (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae) Using Mark-Recapture Methods in Coffee Plantations in Chiapas, Mexico
José A. Zúñiga, Juan F. Barrera, Javier Valle, Trevor Williams
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Idiarthron subquadratum (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae) is a sporadic pest of coffee in parts of Mesoamerica. Mark-recapture techniques were employed to determine the adult population size in coffee plantations in the municipality of Siltepec, Chiapas, Mexico, where the insect has caused crop losses of around 50% over the past decade. Eight experimental blocks 50 by 50 m were defined in an area of 2,500 m2. A trap was designed consisting of a bamboo tube 30 cm in length and closed at one end. Trials indicated that insect trapping efficiency was not improved by the presence of baits. Traps placed above the ground in coffee bushes or as banana leaves placed on the side of an experimental gauze cage captured significantly more I. subquadratum individuals than traps placed on the ground. Tests with different types of paint combinations for marking insects revealed that nitrocellulose paint was durable, water-resistant and nontoxic to I. subquadratum. Mark-recapture experiments were performed at 48-h intervals over a 1-mo period. Concurrently, direct nocturnal observations of I. subquadratum individuals feeding on coffee leaves and berries were made on four occasions during the study period. The prevalence of I. subquadratum feeding damage was also quantified at three sample dates during the study. Jackson’s negative and positive index, Fisher-Ford model, Lincoln-Petersen index, and Jolly-Seber’s stochastic model gave statistically similar mean population estimates. All of these mark-recapture models were also statistically similar to estimates generated by direct nocturnal counts of insects observed feeding on coffee bushes. In contrast, Bailey’s triple capture model gave a population estimate significantly lower than the other models. I. subquadratum feeding damage to coffee berries was significantly greater in blocks interplanted with banana. We conclude that mark-recapture methods combined with analysis using the Lincoln-Petersen model are simpler and less time consuming than direct nocturnal observations and give quantitatively similar population estimates.

RESUMEN Idiarthron subquadratum (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae) es una plaga esporádica del café en algunas partes de Mesoamérica. Técnicas de marca-recaptura se usaron para determinar el tamaño de población del adulto en cafetales del municipio de Siltepec, Chiapas, México donde el insecto ha causado pérdidas al cultivo de alrededor de 50% durante la década pasada. Ocho parcelas experimentales de 50 por 50 m fueron definidos en un área de 2,500 m2. Se diseñó una trampa consistente en un canuto de bambú de 30 cm de longitud y cerrado por uno de sus extremos. Pruebas indicaron que la eficiencia del trampeo del insecto no fue mejorada por la presencia de cebos. Las trampas puestas sobre plantas de café u hojas de plátano puestas sobre un lado de una caja experimental de tela fina capturaron significativamente más individuos de I. subquadratum que trampas puestas sobre el suelo. Pruebas con diferentes tipos de combinación de pinturas para marcar insectos revelaron que la pintura de nitrocelulosa fue más durable, resistente al agua y no tóxica a I. subquadratum. Los experimentos de marca-recaptura se realizaron a intervalos de 48-h durante un mes. Al mismo tiempo, se hicieron observaciones en la noche cuando los individuos de I. subquadratum se alimentaban de hojas y frutos del café en cuatro ocasiones durante el periodo de estudio. La prevalencia del daño de la alimentación de I. subquadratum también fue cuantificada en tres fechas de muestreo durante el estudio. Los índices positivo y negativo de Jackson, el modelo de Fisher-Ford, el índice de Lincoln-Petersen, y el modelo estocástico de Jolly-Seber dieron estimaciones de las medias de la población estadísticamente similares. Todos estos modelos de marca-recaptura fueron también es

José A. Zúñiga, Juan F. Barrera, Javier Valle, and Trevor Williams "Estimating Populations of Idiarthron subquadratum (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae) Using Mark-Recapture Methods in Coffee Plantations in Chiapas, Mexico," Environmental Entomology 31(3), 515-522, (1 June 2002).
Received: 20 December 2000; Accepted: 1 November 2001; Published: 1 June 2002

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coffee pest
Idiarthron subquadratum
population estimation
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