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10 March 2025 X-Ray Treatment as Phytosanitary Control of Bactrocera zonata Stages and Its Effects on Physiochemical and Microbiological Attributes of Zibdia Mango
Ahlam Gabarty, Ali Hammad, A.K.H. Amira Negm, Abd Elwahab Safaa
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The peach fruit fly (PFF), Bactrocera zonata, is one of the most important fruit pests. It was categorized as the A1 pest recommended to be regulated as a quarantine pest. The present study was conducted to investigate the effectiveness of the phytosanitary irradiation dose on the prevention of Bactrocera zonata stages and extending the shelf life of mango fruits at refrigeration temperature and its effect on some physiochemical and microbiological qualities of mango fruits. X-ray irradiation doses of 60.7, 137, 156.9, 237.8, 300.6 and 344 Gy were performed using an electron beam accelerator (3MeV, ICT, VIVARAD, Co., France) equipped with an X/e convertor. The results revealed that X-ray irradiation of B. zonata eggs in host fruits (mango fruits) significantly decreased the percentage of hatchability and this decrease was parallel to the irradiation dose. The irradiation dose of 156.9 Gy reduced the percent of egg hatchability to 8.8 and prevented pupation, while the irradiation dose of 237.8 Gy completely prevented hatchability. Irradiation of eggs at the dose of 137.0 Gy completely prevented adult emergence. X-ray irradiation dose of 60.7 Gy completely prevented adult emergence from the 1st larval instars. Irradiation of 2nd instar larval in mango fruits with a dose of 156.9Gy completely prevented adult emergence. While irradiation of 3rd instar larvae in mango fruits with 237.8 Gy resulted in no adult emergence. The 3rd larval instars were the most radio-tolerant stage. When the most radio-tolerant stage is considered and the adult emergence was used as a criterion for measuring the phytosanitary irradiation effectiveness, an X-ray irradiation dose of 237.8 Gy was required to control B. zonata and had no significant adverse effect on the physiochemical and microbiological quality of mango fruits. In conclusion, the X-ray irradiation dose of 237.8 Gy was effective and sufficient to provide quarantine security for export/import mango fruits without significantly affecting either the mango fruits' firmness or juice.

Ahlam Gabarty, Ali Hammad, A.K.H. Amira Negm, and Abd Elwahab Safaa "X-Ray Treatment as Phytosanitary Control of Bactrocera zonata Stages and Its Effects on Physiochemical and Microbiological Attributes of Zibdia Mango," Entomological News 132(2), 148-164, (10 March 2025).
Received: 3 July 2024; Accepted: 23 August 2024; Published: 10 March 2025
Bactrocera zonata
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