The types or authentic material of four members of Russula subsect. Maculatinae recognized by Romagnesi were studied: R. decipiens, R. decipiens var. vermiculata nom. inval., R. deceptiva and R. romagnesii. All studied specimens showed several similar micromorphological characters, particularly important one-celled pileocystidia, suggesting their close relationship. Based on the differences in spore ornamentation and terminal cells of hyphae in pileipellis near the cap margin, two morphotypes were recognized. The first one, represented by the neotypus of R. decipiens and authentic material of R. decipiens var. vermiculata nom. inval., has lower spore ornamentation with more numerous warts and apically constricted, terminal cells of hyphae in pileipellis as compared to the second morphotype represented by the holotypus of R. deceptiva and paratypus of R. romagnesii.