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9 January 2015 Phenotypic effects of additional chromosomes on agronomic and photosynthetic traits of common wheat in the background of Chinese Spring
Caiyun Liu, Zhiyuan Yang, Xiaojie Chen, Hisashi Tsujimoto, Yin-Gang Hu
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Wheat alien chromosome addition lines possess abundant genetic resources and they are usually used for transferring desired genes or traits into wheat. The screening and characterisation of addition lines for target traits is one of the prerequisites for efficient utilisation of the alien chromosomes. In order to understand the properties and potential utilisation of wheat addition lines, the effects of additional chromosomes on agronomic and photosynthetic traits of common wheat were evaluated using 34 addition lines with the same genetic background of Chinese Spring. The results showed that most of the alien chromosomes decreased plant height (61.8%) and grain number per spike (47.1%), whereas some increased spike length and tiller number. Alien chromosomes of Agropyron intermedium G, Elymus trachycaulus T5HL5HL, El. trachycaulus 5SS and Haynaldia villosa 1V performed well in improving yield components. None of the alien chromosomes studied had negative effects on photosynthetic traits. Higher net photosynthetic rates were observed in Aegilops umbellulata 5U, El. trachycaulus 5H and rye 1R addition lines. Regarding seedling traits, 21 lines (61.8%) showed improvement in different root traits, whereas 26.5% of the chromosomes decreased coleoptile length. Addition lines with better performance for some specific traits were identified and discussed.

© CSIRO 2015
Caiyun Liu, Zhiyuan Yang, Xiaojie Chen, Hisashi Tsujimoto, and Yin-Gang Hu "Phenotypic effects of additional chromosomes on agronomic and photosynthetic traits of common wheat in the background of Chinese Spring," Crop and Pasture Science 66(1), 32-41, (9 January 2015).
Received: 14 January 2014; Accepted: 1 September 2014; Published: 9 January 2015
alien chromosome
genetic effect
germplasm evaluation
seedling traits
yield-related traits
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