As awareness and interest in canebrake restoration activities in the southeastern United States continues to grow, we are faced with numerous challenges. The greatest of these challenges is obtaining enough germplasm to support restoration activities. Three propagation methods are reported in an effort to begin to elicit information regarding propagation of rivercane. Experiments to optimize micro-propagation, seed germination, and macro-propagation methods were compared. Tissue culture (rapid clonal multiplication) has great potential for production of large numbers of propagules. Production of shoots has been optimized, using 4-6 mm diameter explants on MS media, containing 0.1 µM IBA (indole-3-butyric acid ) and 0.01 µM TDZ (thidiazuron). However, the process is hampered by the current inability to generate roots. Maximizing seed germination offers the ability to exploit seed produced on existing canebrakes. Of the six temperature regimes tested on two populations, maximum germination occurred using roll towels, under a 35/25 or 30/20°C temperature regime. Removal of lemma and palea from the seed increased germination percentage for one of the populations. Macropropagation from rhizome sections derived from stock maintained in pot-in-pot container production allowed for relatively easy harvest. Rhizome sections 2-3 nodes in length soaked for 60 minutes in warm water or 1000 ppm BAP (6-benzylaminopurine) showed greatest shooting yield. Individual mother plants have the potential to yield 400 viable clones. While each method had its apparent strengths, only the macro-propagation method showed immediate promise.
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1 October 2009
Propagation Methods for Rivercane [Arundinaria gigantea L. (Walter) Muhl.]
Brian S. Baldwin,
Margaret Cirtain,
D. Scott Horton,
John Ouellette,
Scott B. Franklin,
John E. Preece
Vol. 74 • No. 3
October 2009
Vol. 74 • No. 3
October 2009