Number 2-3
VOL. 45 · NO. 2–3 | 2009
Richard S. Appeldoorn, Paul M. Yoshioka, David L. Ballantine
Caribbean Journal of Science 45 (2–3), 134-137, (1 January 2009)
No abstract available
R. Hernández, C. Sherman, E. Weil, P. Yoshioka
Caribbean Journal of Science 45 (2–3), 138-150, (1 January 2009)
KEYWORDS: Coral reef, sediment accumulation, terrigenous sediments, sediment traps, resuspension, Puerto Rico
K. Ryan-Mishkin, J. P. Walsh, D. R. Corbett, M. B. Dail, J. A. Nittrouer
Caribbean Journal of Science 45 (2–3), 151-167, (1 January 2009)
KEYWORDS: sedimentation, La Parguera, terrestrial, carbonate, sediment, budget
Ernesto Otero
Caribbean Journal of Science 45 (2–3), 168-180, (1 January 2009)
KEYWORDS: stable isotopes, Chlorophyll, Turbidity, sedimentation rates, DOM-fluorescence, La Parguera
Brandi Todd, David L. Ballantine, Ernesto Otero
Caribbean Journal of Science 45 (2–3), 181-190, (1 January 2009)
Anthony S. Pait, Christopher F. G. Jeffrey, Chris Caldow, David R. Whitall, S. Ian Hartwell, Andrew L. Mason, John D. Christensen
Caribbean Journal of Science 45 (2–3), 191-203, (1 January 2009)
Caroline S. Rogers, Erinn Muller, Tony Spitzack, Jeff Miller
Caribbean Journal of Science 45 (2–3), 204-214, (1 January 2009)
KEYWORDS: prevalence, Acropora palmata, Montastraea, reef
Kathleen Flynn, Ernesto Weil
Caribbean Journal of Science 45 (2–3), 215-220, (1 January 2009)
KEYWORDS: aspergillosis, Gorgonia ventalina, octocoral disease, disease prevalence
Ernesto Weil, Aldo Croquer, Isabel Urreiztieta
Caribbean Journal of Science 45 (2–3), 221-246, (1 January 2009)
KEYWORDS: Coral reef diseases, prevalence, spatial/temporal variability, Puerto Rico, Caribbean
Michael Nemeth, Richard Appeldoorn
Caribbean Journal of Science 45 (2–3), 247-253, (1 January 2009)
KEYWORDS: Herbivorous fishes, depth, light, rugosity, cross-shelf
Paul M. Yoshioka
Caribbean Journal of Science 45 (2–3), 254-259, (1 January 2009)
KEYWORDS: bedload, sediment transport, gorgonians, Reciprocal Averaging, Puerto Rico
Héctor Ruiz, David L. Ballantine
Caribbean Journal of Science 45 (2–3), 260-268, (1 January 2009)
Emmanuel Irizarry-Soto, Ernesto Weil
Caribbean Journal of Science 45 (2–3), 269-281, (1 January 2009)
KEYWORDS: Juvenile coral survivorship, recruitment, Puerto Rico, spatial/temporal variability
Randall D. Clark, Simon Pittman, Chris Caldow, John Christensen, Bryant Roque, Richard S. Appeldoorn, Mark E. Monaco
Caribbean Journal of Science 45 (2–3), 282-303, (1 January 2009)
KEYWORDS: connectivity, habitat boundaries, coral reef ecosystems, mangroves, fish prey, nocturnal fish movement, seascape
R. S. Appeldoorn, A. Aguilar-Perera, B. L. K. Bouwmeester, G. D. Dennis, R. L. Hill, W. Merten, C. W. Recksiek, S. J. Williams
Caribbean Journal of Science 45 (2–3), 304-316, (1 January 2009)
KEYWORDS: Grunts, Haemulon, migration, connectivity, coral reef ecosystems
Sylvie Guénette, Ronald L. Hill
Caribbean Journal of Science 45 (2–3), 317-337, (1 January 2009)
KEYWORDS: Carribean, ecosystem model, Ecopath with Ecosim, fisheries impact, predator-prey
Mark E. Monaco, Alan M. Friedlander, Chris Caldow, Sarah D. Hile, Charles Menza, Rafe H. Boulon
Caribbean Journal of Science 45 (2–3), 338-347, (1 January 2009)
KEYWORDS: Coral reefs, marine protected areas, marine reserves, reef fish, US Virgin Islands
Maria del Mar Lopez-Rivera, Alberto M. Sabat
Caribbean Journal of Science 45 (2–3), 348-362, (1 January 2009)
KEYWORDS: Serranidae, habitat choice, density, size-structure, capture-mark-recapture, survivorship
Manuel Valdés-Pizzini, Carlos García-Quijano
Caribbean Journal of Science 45 (2–3), 363-371, (1 January 2009)
KEYWORDS: Coral reefs and associated habitats, Ecosystem Based Management, fisheries, Lutjanus analis, Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK)
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