In a previous contribution (Harries et al., 2020), we proposed to elevate Cocos nucifera f. palmyrensis Becc. published on April 1916 (Beccari, 1916a) to the varietal rank. However, soon after his contribution in Rock (1916)'s flora of the island of Palmyra, Beccari published on December 31, 1916 a paper on Cocos L. and allied genera in the journal Agricoltura coloniale (Beccari, 1916b) where he proposed to elevate his forma to the varietal rank. This contribution in a journal mainly focusing on tropical agriculture was overlooked by the authors and implies that the varietal rank proposed as new is to be considered as an illegitimate name. The correct citation is therefore:
Cocos nucifera var. palmyrensis (Becc.) Becc. in Agric. Colon. 10: 588. 31.XII.1916.
≡ Cocos nucifera f. palmyrensis Becc. in Rock, Bull. Coll. Hawaii Publ. 4: 44. IV.1916. ≡ Cocos nucifera var. palmyrensis (Becc.) Pignotti & Baldini in Candollea 75: 28. 2020 [nom. illeg.].
Lectotypus (designated by Harries et al., 2020: 28):
Palmyra Island: “Palyra [sic!] Islands (Oceano Pacifico)”, 1914, Rock s.n. (FI [FI018792]!).
Scott Zona kindly draw our attention to Beccari's contribution in Agricoltura coloniale.