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9 July 2020 Soil science at the University of Alberta: a century of service to science and society
Leonard A. Leskiw, Gerald M. Coen, Len M. Kryzanowski, Terry M. Macyk, Doug C. Penney, W. Wayne Pettapiece, James A. Robertson
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This paper highlights major activities and achievements in soil science by professors at the University of Alberta (U of A), which provide incredible benefits to society, provincially, nationally, and globally. Evolution of the soils profession in Alberta commenced in 1919 with the hiring of F.A. Wyatt, who developed the Department of Soil Science (DSS) and initiated a soil survey program in Alberta. J.D. Newton joined the department in 1922, teaching and supporting soil surveys that led to a fertilizer program greatly benefitting agriculture. With time, opportunities and problems were encountered with utilization of soils. U of A soil scientists conducted inventories, conducted innovative research, developed superior management techniques, and through evolving education and extension, continuously helped bring improvements to how we utilized and managed soil resources. The DSS 100 yr evolution is chronicled under the themes of pedology (including soil survey), soil fertility, soil sustainability (conservation, land reclamation, and contaminant remediation), with embedded specialized studies within these themes.

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Leonard A. Leskiw, Gerald M. Coen, Len M. Kryzanowski, Terry M. Macyk, Doug C. Penney, W. Wayne Pettapiece, and James A. Robertson "Soil science at the University of Alberta: a century of service to science and society," Canadian Journal of Soil Science 100(4), 319-343, (9 July 2020).
Received: 2 December 2019; Accepted: 14 June 2020; Published: 9 July 2020

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history of soil science
soil fertility
Soil reclamation
soil sustainability
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