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12 September 2017 Differential response of plant species to greenhouse microclimate created by design technology and ambient conditions
Lord Abbey, Sajjad Ali Rao
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Food insecurity amongst First Nation populations living on reserves across Canada is purported to be about 27% of the national average. However, crop production is limited by factors such as climate and soil conditions. A 2-yr study was carried out to assess production of collard (Brassica oleracea L. var. acephala DC. ‘Champion’), carrot (Daucus carota L. ‘Adelaide’), and tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. ‘Beefsteak’) in three separate greenhouses with contrasting design technologies. The greenhouses were categorized as (i) high technology (HTG), (ii) medium technology (MTG), and (iii) low technology (LTG) greenhouses. The MTG and LTG were basic facilities but the MTG had in-floor heating. The HTG was fully equipped with climate control systems. Mean monthly air temperature was stable at 23 °C ± 1 °C in the HTG but fluctuated in the MTG and LTG. Air temperature and water loss were highest in the MTG. Vapour pressure deficit and daily light integral followed the trends LTG > MTG > HTG > ambient and ambient > MTG > HTG > LTG, respectively. The growth rate of collard plants was equally high in the MTG and the LTG compared with the HTG. Comparatively, the growth and yield of carrot plants were highest in the HTG. Conditions in the HTG and the MTG favored the growth and yield of the tomato plants. Thus, the different greenhouse design technologies created different microclimates, which differentially affected growth and yield performances of the different vegetable species. Future work should consider the economic benefits of greenhouse technology and production management for northern and remote communities.

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Lord Abbey and Sajjad Ali Rao "Differential response of plant species to greenhouse microclimate created by design technology and ambient conditions," Canadian Journal of Plant Science 98(2), 300-308, (12 September 2017).
Received: 31 December 2016; Accepted: 19 July 2017; Published: 12 September 2017

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controlled-environment production
greenhouse design
greenhouse microclimate
microclimat en serre
modèle de serre
production sous environnement contrôlé
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