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15 April 2014 Effects of elevated CO2 and 1-methylcyclopropene on storage-related disorders of Ontario-grown Empire apples
Kristen L. Deyman, Greta Chiu, Jingyun Liu, Carolyne J. Brikis, Christopher P. Trobacher, Jennifer R. DeEll, Barry J. Shelp, Gale G. Bozzo
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Deyman, K. L., Chiu, G., Liu, J., Brikis, C. J., Trobacher, C. P., DeEll, J. R., Shelp, B. J. and Bozzo, G. G. 2014. Effects of elevated CO2 and 1-methylcyclopropene on storage-related disorders of Ontario-grown Empire apples. Can. J. Plant Sci. 94: 857-865. The impact of 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) application on CO2-induced physiological injury in Empire apple fruit during controlled atmosphere storage was assessed over a 3-yr period using an experimental design involving multiple treatment replicates. Fruit harvested at optimal maturity from one or two orchards were treated with or without 1 µL L-1 1-MCP, then chilled at 0 or 3°C under various CO2 partial pressures (5, 2.5 or 0.03 kPa CO2) in the presence of 2.5 kPa O2 for up to 46 wk using a split-plot design. Fruit were sampled periodically for assessment of flesh browning and external peel injury. The maximal incidence of external CO2 injury varied from 15 to 100% over the 3 yr, and the most rapid development of this disorder was evident at 5 kPa CO2. The incidence of external CO2 injury as a function of storage time was influenced by orchard location and storage temperature. Moreover, the incidence of flesh browning at 0°C and 5 kPa CO2 was influenced slightly by orchard; this disorder was never higher than 30%, and the impact of elevated CO2 was inconsistent across years. Notably, there was no evidence for negative effects of 1-MCP on the incidence of storage-related disorders.

Kristen L. Deyman, Greta Chiu, Jingyun Liu, Carolyne J. Brikis, Christopher P. Trobacher, Jennifer R. DeEll, Barry J. Shelp, and Gale G. Bozzo "Effects of elevated CO2 and 1-methylcyclopropene on storage-related disorders of Ontario-grown Empire apples," Canadian Journal of Plant Science 94(5), 857-865, (15 April 2014).
Received: 1 February 2014; Accepted: 1 April 2014; Published: 15 April 2014

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atmosphère contrôlée
brunissement de la chair
controlled Atmosphere
external CO2 injury
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