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2 October 2013 QTL analysis of soybean oil content under 17 environments
Zhaoming Qi, Xue Han, Meng Hou, Dawei Xin, Zhongyu Wang, Rongsheng Zhu, Zhenbang Hu, Hongwei Jiang, Candong Li, Chunyan Liu, Guohua Hu, Qingshan Chen
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Qi, Z., Han, X., Hou, M., Xin, D., Wang, Z., Zhu, R., Hu, Z., Jiang, H., Li, C., Liu, C., Hu, G. and Chen, Q. 2014. QTL analysis of soybean oil content under 17 environments. Can. J. Plant Sci. 94: 245-261. Soybean oil content is a key trait driver of successful soybean quality. Due to its complex nature, less stable quantitative trait loci (QTL) are known. The goal of this study was to identify important and stable QTL affecting soybean oil content using recombination inbred lines (RILs) derived from a cross between Charleston and Dongnong594. The plant materials were planted in three environments across 9 yr in China. The genetic effects were then partitioned into additive main effects (A), epistatic main effects (AA) and their environment interaction effects (AE and AAE) by using composite interval mapping, multiple interval mapping and composite interval mapping in a mixed linear model. Fifty-six QTL were identified on 15 of 20 soybean chromosomes excluding LG C1, D2, E, M and O by composite interval mapping and multiple interval mapping methods. Seven oil content QTL detected on LG A1, 1 on LG A2, 5 on LG B1, 4 on LG B2, 8 on LG C2, 11 on LG D1a, 2 on LG D1b, 4 on LG F, 5 on LG G, 2 on LG H, 1 on LG I, 1 on LG J, 1 on LG K, 2 on LG L and 2 on LG N. Eight QTL showed a good stability across 17 environments. The additive main-effect QTL contributed more phenotypic variation than the epistasis and environmental interaction. This indicated that it is feasible to improve soybean oil content by marker-assisted selection.

Zhaoming Qi, Xue Han, Meng Hou, Dawei Xin, Zhongyu Wang, Rongsheng Zhu, Zhenbang Hu, Hongwei Jiang, Candong Li, Chunyan Liu, Guohua Hu, and Qingshan Chen "QTL analysis of soybean oil content under 17 environments," Canadian Journal of Plant Science 94(2), 245-261, (2 October 2013).
Received: 2 July 2013; Accepted: 1 September 2013; Published: 2 October 2013

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cartographie des QTL
hybridation assistée par marqueur
marker-assisted selection
quantitative trait loci mapping
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