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16 February 2024 Warmer future climate in Canada—implications for winter survival of perennial forage crops
Budong Qian, Qi Jing, Guillaume Jégo, Gilles Bélanger, Ward Smith, Andy VanderZaag, Jiali Shang, Jiangui Liu, Brian Grant, Marianne Crépeau
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Significant increase in wintertime air temperature, especially the reduced cold extremes under climate change, might be beneficial to the winter survival of perennial crops. However, climate warming could result in less snowfall, reduced snow cover, as well as changes in climate conditions for fall hardening and winter thaws. How these changes might impact the risks of winter damages to overwintering crops, such as perennial forage crops requires a comprehensive assessment for proactively adapting to climate change in the agricultural sector, especially the beef and dairy industries. Based on the most up-to-date climate projections from a set of global climate models, we used a snow model and a suite of agroclimatic indices for perennial forage crops to assess potential changes in the risks of winter injury to perennial forage crops across Canada in the near-term (2030s), the mid-term (2050s), and the distant future (2070s). Our results show that the risk of exposure to extremely low temperatures (daily Tmin ≤ −15 °C) without snow protection is projected to decrease across Canada with improved conditions for fall hardening. However, winter thaws and rainfall are projected to increase, and this would increase the risk of winter injury due to loss of hardiness together with potential soil heaving and ice encasement.

Budong Qian, Qi Jing, Guillaume Jégo, Gilles Bélanger, Ward Smith, Andy VanderZaag, Jiali Shang, Jiangui Liu, Brian Grant, and Marianne Crépeau "Warmer future climate in Canada—implications for winter survival of perennial forage crops," Canadian Journal of Plant Science 104(4), 320-335, (16 February 2024).
Received: 12 December 2023; Accepted: 6 February 2024; Published: 16 February 2024

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agroclimatic indices
climate change impacts
forage crops
winter injury
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