As bison is characteristically dark in colour, this study was conducted to determine if high-voltage electrical stimulation (HVES) could improve the colour and other quality characteristics in bison, similar to positive effects of HVES previously observed in beef. Forty bison bull carcasses were split and HVES (400 V peak, 5 ms pulses at 15 pulses s-1 for 30 s) was applied to the right sides and subsequently evaluated for grade characteristics, metabolic activity, and quality characteristics. The bison carcasses used in this study had a wide range of lean and fat, with minimal marbling. In the present study, HVES had no effect on bison quality traits, sensory attributes, retail display characteristics, nor the glycolytic metabolites (P > 0.05) except lactate. Inherent differences in muscle fibre type or physical carcass differences may have influenced the response to the electrical parameters used in the present study and merits further investigation.