Oba, M. and Swift, M. L. 2014. Short Communication: Effects of feeding Falcon or Tyto whole plant barley silage on milk production and feed efficiency. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 94: 151-153. Eight lactating dairy cows were fed diets containing either Falcon or Tyto whole-plant barley silage (Hordeum vulgare; WPBS) in a crossover design to study effects on milk production and feed efficiency. The in vitro fibre digestibility (IVFD) of Falcon and Tyto WPBS was 61.6 and 57.2%, respectively. Cows consuming the Falcon WPBS utilized feed more efficiently compared with those consuming the Tyto WPBS (1.44 vs. 1.32 kg milk kg-1 dry matter intake) although milk yield was not affected. This research demonstrates that IVFD may be an important quality indicator of WPBS when balancing diets for high producing lactating cows.