Bandegan A., Golian, A., Kiarie E., Payne R. L., Crow G. H., Guenter W. and Nyachoti C. M. 2011. Standardized ileal amino acid digestibility in wheat, barley, pea and flaxseed for broiler chickens. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 91: 103–111. Experiments were conducted to estimate ileal amino acids (AA) digestibility in six wheat (exp. 1; 288 birds), seven barley (exp. 2; 252 birds), five pea (exp. 3; 240 birds) and five flaxseed (exp. 4; 216 birds) samples in male Ross broiler chicks. Wheat, barley and pea were the sole source of dietary AA in exps. 1, 2 and 3, whereas, for exp. 4, flaxseed and wheat (50:50 wt/wt) or wheat provided dietary AA. Chromic oxide was the indigestible marker. Birds were fed chick starter for the first 14 d; on day 15 each test diet was randomly assigned to six cages, each with six (exps. 2 and 4) or eight (exps. 1 and 3) birds. On day 21, birds were killed and digesta were sampled to determine the apparent ileal AA digestibility (AID). The standardized ileal digestibility (SID) values were calculated using ileal endogenous AA losses previously determined in our laboratory from birds fed N-free diet. The mean SID values for indispensable AA ranged from 83.7% (Lys) to 93.8% (Phe), 80.4% (Arg) to 90.9% (Phe), 86.0% (Met Cys) to 94.2% (Arg) and 47.4% (Thr) to 66.7% (Met) for wheat, barley, peas and flaxseed samples, respectively. Overall, SID AA estimates for flaxseed had higher (> 13%) coefficients of variation (CV) compared with other ingredients (CV<6%). These SID AA data will help nutritionists to formulate broiler diets that more closely match the birds' requirements and minimize nutrient excretion.
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1 March 2011
Standardized ileal amino acid digestibility in wheat, barley, pea and flaxseed for broiler chickens
A. Bandegan,
A. Golian,
E. Kiarie,
R. L. Payne,
G. H. Crow,
W. Guenter,
C. M. Nyachoti
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digestibilité dans l'iléon normalisée des acides aminés