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24 February 2021 Effects of colostrum management on transfer of passive immunity and the potential role of colostral bioactive components on neonatal calf development and metabolism
A.J. Fischer-Tlustos, A. Lopez, K.S. Hare, K.M. Wood, M.A. Steele
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Neonatal dairy and beef calves are required to ingest adequate volumes of high-quality colostrum during their first hours of life to acquire transfer of passive immunity (TPI). As such, immunoglobulin G (IgG) has largely been the focus of colostrum research over recent decades. Yet, little is known about the additional bioactive compounds in colostrum that potentially influence newborn calf development and metabolism. The purpose of this narrative review is to synthesize research regarding the effects of colostrum management practices on TPI, as well as to address the potential role of additional colostral bioactive molecules, including oligosaccharides, fatty acids, insulin, and insulin-like growth factor-I, in promoting calf development and metabolism. Due to the importance of IgG in ensuring calf immunity and health, we review past research describing the process of colostrogenesis and dam factors influencing the concentrations of IgG in an effort to maximize TPI. We also address the transfer of additional bioactive compounds in colostrum and prepartum management and dam factors that influence their concentrations. Finally, we highlight key areas of future research for the scientific community to pursue to ultimately improve the health and welfare of neonatal dairy calves.

A.J. Fischer-Tlustos, A. Lopez, K.S. Hare, K.M. Wood, and M.A. Steele "Effects of colostrum management on transfer of passive immunity and the potential role of colostral bioactive components on neonatal calf development and metabolism," Canadian Journal of Animal Science 101(3), 405-426, (24 February 2021).
Received: 14 September 2020; Accepted: 3 December 2020; Published: 24 February 2021

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acides gras
bioactive compounds
composés bioactifs
Fatty acids
immunoglobulin G
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