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31 December 2011 Two new species of Aloe in Kenya
Leonard E. Newton
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Aloe springatei-neumannii, from southwestern Kenya, has soft maculate leaves and flowers with an abrupt constriction above the ovary, which are characters that are typical of the Series Saponariae. It is close to A. wollastonii, but is distinguished mainly by the fewer inflorescence branches, and the yellow flowers with floral bracts much shorter than the pedicels. Aloe tegetiformis, from a mountain in northern Kenya, has profusely branching prostrate stems and grows into a dense mat overlying rocks or soil. It is related to A. morijensis, which is typically a tall scrambling plant with larger leaves and larger inflorescences.

Leonard E. Newton "Two new species of Aloe in Kenya," Bradleya 2011(29), 57-60, (31 December 2011).
Published: 31 December 2011
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