An account precursory to a monographic treatment of Cactaceae tribe Rhipsalideae De Candolle is presented covering the genera Lepismium Pfeiffer (6 subgenera: 14 spp.), Rhipsalis Gaertner (5 subgenera: 33 spp.), Hatiora Britton & Rose (2 subgenera: 5 spp.) and Schlumbergera Lemaire (6 spp.). Keys to enable identification of subgenera and species are provided for each genus. For Rhipsalis, 3 species and 2 subspecies are named for the first time and throughout the tribe various new name combinations are validated at the ranks of subgenus, subspecies and forma. Bibliographic and typification data are provided for all accepted names and their basionyms, and a summary of geographical distribution and ecology, where known, is given for each species and/or subspecies recognized. Names of uncertain application are discussed and an index to all commonly encountered binomial synonyms is provided.