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22 February 2024 A Systematic Literature Review of the Various Effects, Impacts, and Management Options Regarding Silver and Bighead Carp in the Great Lakes Region
Jeanette G. Ibarra, Eric J. Nelson, Sarah E. Romy, Chloe L. Lash
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Invasive species decimate entire ecosystems, outcompeting native organisms for resources. Four introduced carp species have been identified as invasive in the Great Lakes region with bighead and silver carp displaying the greatest potential for invasion of the Great Lakes. Currently, these two species have self-sustaining populations in the Mississippi River, and the edges of their ranges are near Lake Michigan and Lake Erie. Here we address the prolific spreading ability of carps, the potential impacts of a carp invasion in the Great Lakes and the effects they might have in the larger Great Lakes region. Through a systematic literature review, we found: 1) carp population locations present in the region and how these populations have shifted over time; 2) how carp management options in Illinois waterways have evolved over time; and 3) invasive carp have a large economic impact on the local Great Lakes region. Invasive carp populations continue to increase and negatively impact aquatic ecosystems. Various management methods, such as eDNA, acoustic deterrence, and others, have been effective in invasive carp management and show promise in preventing expansion. However, if not effectively managed, the economic impact of invasive carp will be substantial.

Jeanette G. Ibarra, Eric J. Nelson, Sarah E. Romy, and Chloe L. Lash "A Systematic Literature Review of the Various Effects, Impacts, and Management Options Regarding Silver and Bighead Carp in the Great Lakes Region," BIOS 95(1), 44-51, (22 February 2024).
Received: 5 January 2023; Accepted: 21 July 2023; Published: 22 February 2024
aquatic invasive species
Freshwater ecosystems
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