Twenty-four fowl adenoviruses (FAdVs) were isolated from broiler and broiler breeder pullet flocks in Iran during 2013–2016 and were identified and characterized. All FAdVs were from inclusion body hepatitis (IBH) cases, showing an enlarged and pale yellow liver with multiple petechial hemorrhages. Phylogenetic analyses of partial hexon gene sequences are an adequate and quick method for differentiation and genotyping. The isolates were subjected to PCR to amplify a 590-bp fragment from the hexon gene. Sequence analysis revealed the presence of two species D and E. Eighty FAdV isolates were genetically related to the strain EU979378 of FAdV-11 (96.5% to 97.6% identity), and six isolates were related to the strain EU979375 of FAdV-8b (97% identity). The results indicated that two FAdV serotypes (11 and 8b) are high prevalence serotypes of FAdVs in Iran and are pathogenic enough to cause IBH in young chicks. Therefore, preventive measures against FAdV infection on poultry farms should be implemented.
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27 February 2017
Fowl Adenoviruses D and E Cause Inclusion Body Hepatitis Outbreaks in Broiler and Broiler Breeder Pullet Flocks
Rima Morshed,
Hossein Hosseini,
Arash Ghalyanchi Langeroudi,
Mohammad Hassan Bozorgmehri Fard,
Saeid Charkhkar

Avian Diseases
Vol. 61 • No. 2
June 2017
Vol. 61 • No. 2
June 2017
fowl adenovirus
hexon gene
inclusion body hepatitis