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We evaluated the role of beetles infesting broiler chicken rearing facilities as potential reservoirs for Salmonella enterica infections between successive broiler flocks. In addition, their role as potential reservoirs for thermophilic Campylobacter spp. was also investigated. Fourteen broiler houses located at 11 different farms were included in the study. The houses were nonrandomly selected on the basis of their salmonella status; nine were persistently contaminated with salmonella whereas five were salmonella negative.
For each broiler house, two consecutive broiler flocks (i.e., 28 broiler flocks in all) as well as beetles collected during both rotations of production and in the empty period (after cleaning and disinfection) between these flocks were monitored for the presence of salmonella. Examinations for the presence of campylobacter in the same sample materials were also performed.
Beetles sampled during production were positive for salmonella or campylobacter or both. Furthermore, in one house, the occurrence of Salmonella indiana in two consecutive broiler flocks coincided with the presence of S. indiana-contaminated beetles in the empty period between the flocks. The genotype of the identified S. indiana was in all cases identical when analyzed by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis.
However, our results also suggest that salmonella from beetles may not always be transmitted to the chickens and that beetles living in contaminated houses can remain free of infection.
All cases of campylobacter-positive beetle samples were detected in connection with a positive chicken flock; in no case was campylobacter isolated from beetles taken from the empty period between rotations.
Four beetle species were identified during this study. Alphitobius diaperinus was found in all houses and was relatively abundant in most. Typhaea stercorea and Ahasverus advena were found in eight and nine houses, respectively, and were abundant in most of these. Carcinops pumilio was found in small numbers in eight houses. No other insect species was identified.
These investigations have shown that beetles in broiler houses infrequently are positive for salmonella. However, transmission of S. indiana between two consecutive broiler flocks can coincide with the presence of salmonella-contaminated beetles in the empty period, indicating that the beetles were the reservoir of S. indiana between the two flocks. Concerning campylobacter, the results suggest that beetles do not play a significant role as a reservoir of campylobacter from one rotation to the next.
The diseases caused by pathogenic Escherichia coli constitute a major economic loss to the poultry industry. The development of a live oral E. coli vaccine to prevent or reduce diseases in poultry had been the objective of our work. Four spontaneous streptomycin-dependent (str-dependent) mutants were generated from a virulent avian strain that contains a mutation in the fur region of the chromosome. Genetic analysis of the mutants indicated that the str-dependent phenotype was due to a base change of C → T at base 272 in the rpsL gene. The mutants were tested for attenuation using the day-old chick model. Day-old birds, in groups of 20, were either challenged with 106 colony-forming units (CFU) of the str-dependent mutant, the parent strain (containing the fur mutation), or the wild-type strain without the fur mutation. The parent strain and the wild-type strain were highly virulent, and 80% or more of the birds died. None of the birds challenged with the str-dependent mutants died, indicating attenuation of the mutants. The protective effect of the mutant as a live vaccine against the challenge with 106 CFU of the wild-type strain EC317 was investigated. Vaccination by both aerosol (day 1) and oral (days 14 and 28) routes using 108 CFU of the str-dependent mutant (EC1598) had no effect on the occurrence of cellulitis in the birds. Two vaccinations given as aerosol on day 1 and given orally on day 14 also had no significant effect on the occurrence of systemic lesions. Three immunizations on days 1, 14, and 28 resulted in a significant reduction in the number of birds with systemic lesions. Antibody titers prior to challenge were not predictive of outcome of challenge.
An avian influenza (AI ) outbreak occurred in meat-type chickens in central Pennsylvania from December 2001 to January 2002. Two broiler breeder flocks were initially infected almost simultaneously in early December. Avian influenza virus (AIV), H7N2 subtype, was isolated from the two premises in our laboratory. The H7N2 isolates were characterized as a low pathogenic strain at the National Veterinary Services Laboratories based on molecular sequencing of the virus hemagglutinin cleavage site and virus challenge studies in specific-pathogen-free leghorn chickens. However, clinical observations and pathologic findings indicated that this H7N2 virus appeared to be significantly pathogenic in meat-type chickens under field conditions. Follow-up investigation indicated that this H7N2 virus spread rapidly within each flock. Within 7 days of the recognized start of the outbreak, over 90% seroconversion was observed in the birds by the hemagglutination inhibition test. A diagnosis of AI was made within 24 hr of bird submission during this outbreak using a combination of virus detection by a same-day dot–enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and virus isolation in embryonating chicken eggs. Follow-up investigation revealed that heavy virus shedding (90%–100% of birds shedding AIV) occurred between 4 and 7 days after disease onset, and a few birds (15%) continued to shed virus at 13 days post–disease onset, as detected by virus isolation on tracheal and cloacal swabs. AIV was not detected in or on eggs laid by the breeders during the testing phase of the outbreak. The two flocks were depopulated at 14 days after disease onset, and AIV was not detected on the two premises 23 days after depopulation.
Four- and nine-week-old poults were inoculated with cell culture propagated avian pneumovirus (APV) into each conjunctival space and nostril, followed by inoculation 3 days later with Escherichia coli, Bordetella avium (BA), or Ornithobacterium rhinotracheale or a mixture of all three (EBO). Clinical signs were evaluated on days 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, and 14 postinoculation (PI) of APV. The poults were euthanatized on days 2, 4, 6, 10, and 14 PI, and blood and tissues were collected. The poults that received APV followed by EBO or BA alone developed more severe clinical signs related to nasal discharge and swelling of intraorbital sinuses than did poults inoculated with APV alone or bacteria alone. More severe pathologic changes were found in poults inoculated with APV BA that extended to the air sacs and lungs, particularly in 9-wk-old poults. Bordetella avium was recovered from tracheas and lungs of birds that were inoculated with APV followed by EBO or BA alone. APV was detected by immunohistochemical staining in the upper respiratory tract longer in the groups of poults inoculated with APV and pathogenic bacteria than in those that received only APV, particularly when BA was involved. Viral antigen was also detected in the lungs of poults that were inoculated with APV followed by administration of EBO or BA alone. Loss of cilia on the epithelial surface of the upper respiratory tract was associated with BA infection and may enhance infection with APV, allowing deeper penetration of the virus into the respiratory tract.
A homologue of interleukin-8, viral interleukin-8 (vIL-8) has been identified in the genome of Marek's disease virus (MDV). This protein attracts peripheral blood mononuclear cells in vitro although its role in the pathogenesis of Marek's disease (MD) is not known. P chickens, genetically susceptible to MD, and N chickens, genetically resistant to the disease, were inoculated with either RB1B MDV or RB1BvIL-8smGFP, a vIL8 knockout RB1B MDV, to assess the role of vIL8 in the pathogenesis of MD. The tumor incidence was highest in the P birds given the RB1B virus, where the incidence was 100%. Tumor incidence in N birds given RB1B was 41.5%. Thirty-one percent of the P birds given RB1BvIL-8smGFP developed tumors, and no N bird given RB1BvIL-8smGFP developed tumors. Histologically, the tumors from RB1B-inoculated birds were larger and more invasive and had a more homogeneous cellular composition than those from RB1BvIL-8smGFP–inoculated birds, which were best described as microtumors. These microtumors did not obliterate the normal architecture of the tissues, and in contrast to the RB1B tumors, moderate numbers of heterophils were admixed with the proliferating lymphocytes. Susceptible birds receiving RB1B had the highest viral titers throughout the study, followed by the resistant birds inoculated with RB1B. P and N birds receiving RB1BvIL-8smGFP virus had consistently lower levels of viremia than their RB1B-inoculated counterparts although virus could be recovered from the birds during all stages of MD. In addition, the RB1BvIL-8smGFP virus was detected in birds held in contact with the inoculated group, although no tumors developed in contact control birds. This result indicates that RB1BvIL-8smGFP replicates in vivo but not as well as RB1B and that vIL8 is not essential for the completion of the pathogenesis of MD.
In Experiment 1, chickens from various white leghorn experimental lines were inoculated with strain ADOL-Hcl of subgroup J avian leukosis virus (ALV-J) either as embryos or at 1 day of age. At various ages, chickens were tested for ALV-J induced viremia, antibody, and packed cell volume (PCV). Also, at 4 and 10 wk of age, bursal tissues were examined for avian leukosis virus (ALV)-induced preneoplastic lesions with the methyl green–pyronine (MGP) stain. In Experiment 2, chickens harboring or lacking endogenous virus 21 (EV21) were inoculated with strain ADOL-Hcl of ALV-J at hatch. All embryo-inoculated chickens in Experiment 1 tested positive for ALV-J and lacked antibody throughout the experimental period of 30 wk and were considered viremic tolerant, regardless of line of chickens. By 10 wk of age, the incidence of ALV-J viremia in chickens inoculated with virus at hatch varied from 0 (line 0 chickens) to 97% (line 15I5); no influence of ALV-J infection was noted on PCV. Results from microscopic examination of MGP-stained bursal tissues indicate that ALV-J can induce typical ALV-induced transformation in bursal follicles of white leghorn chickens. Lymphoid leukosis and hemangiomas were the most common ALV-J–induced tumors noted in chickens in Experiment 1. At termination of Experiment 2 (31 wk of age), 54% of chickens harboring EV21 were viremic tolerant compared with 5% of chickens lacking EV21 after inoculation with ALV-J at hatch. The data indicate that genetic differences among lines of white leghorn chickens, including the presence or absence of EV21, can influence response of chickens to infection with ALV-J.
Ibuprofen (IBU)—a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug—inhibits the biosynthesis of prostaglandins with pro-inflammatory and immunosuppressive properties and is therefore proposed as a candidate molecule for the treatment of coccidiosis in broiler chickens. In all experiments, IBU was administered via drinking water. In a first experiment, chickens were infected at 10 or 21 days of age with oocysts of Eimeria acervulina (5 × 104), Eimeria maxima (3 × 104), and Eimeria tenella (7.5 × 103) and medicated with IBU at a dose of 15 mg/kg body weight (BW). In a second experiment, chickens were infected at 6 days of age with 104 oocysts of E. acervulina and medicated with IBU at a dose of 100 mg/kg BW. In the third experiment, an inoculum consisting of 5 × 104 or 105E. acervulina oocysts was administered at 6 days of age to chickens medicated with IBU at a dose of 100 mg/kg BW. In a fourth experiment, the effect of IBU on sporulation and infectivity of E. acervulina oocysts was studied. Coccidial lesion scores (CLSs), oocyst shedding, and weight gain were used as evaluation parameters in all experiments except the fourth, where weight gain was not taken into account. In addition, the sporulation percentage was determined in the last experiment. No influence of IBU on the indicated parameters was observed after providing the drug at a dose of 15 mg/kg BW, whereas CLSs and oocyst shedding were reduced when IBU was provided at a dose of 100 mg/kg BW. However, IBU did not significantly show any effect on the degree of sporulation and infectivity of E. acervulina oocysts at a dose of 100 mg/kg BW.
Very virulent (vv) infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) Gx strain with high pathogenicity was attenuated through replication in specific-pathogen-free (SPF) chicken embryos and in chicken embryo fibroblast (CEF) cell cultures. The changes in VP2 nucleotide and the deduced amino acid sequences were obtained during attenuation of vvIBDV in CEF culture. Sequence analysis of selected passages from numbers 0 to 20 in CEFs (designated here Gx to CEF-20) showed that no changes were detectable in the VP2 gene before CEF-7. There were a few changes in the nucleotide sequence of the VP2 gene but no amino acid substitutions at CEF-8. The virus of CEF-9 was an intermediate with some amino acid changes that possibly were related to virulence. CEF-10 virus had become similar to CU-1 strain. The VP2 gene sequence remained the same from CEF-10 to CEF-20. The results of pathogenicity tests showed that the mortalities of Gx, CEF-5, CEF-8, and CEF-9 in 4-wk-old SPF chickens were 64%, 60%, 60%, and 32%, respectively; whereas CEF-10, CEF-15, and CEF-20 were nonpathogenic. Virus neutralization tests with Gx strain showed that the antigenicities are similar from Gx to CEF-20.
We conducted a health survey of house finches (Carpodacus mexicanus) without evidence of Mycoplasma gallisepticum infection in order to establish baseline population health measures and estimate prevalence of potential pathogens likely to influence host susceptibility to mycoplasmosis. Seasonal changes in several physiologic parameters were observed. Weights were greater in winter compared with the breeding season (P < 0.01), fat scores were greater in winter than during fall migration (P < 0.01) or the breeding season (P < 0.01), and packed cell volume and total plasma protein measures during fall migration (P < 0.05) and winter (P < 0.01) were greater than during the breeding season. Culture of voided fecal material yielded 13 bacterial isolates likely representative of normal gastrointestinal flora. Avian pox lesions and blood and gastrointestinal parasite infections were at low prevalence (≤4%) compared with Proctophyllodes spp. feather mite infestations (32%) in the population. All parasites occurred at generally low levels in individual hosts. A logistic regression analysis of our data suggests that greater fat scores, tarsal length, and being male are potential risk factors for mite infestation in house finches.
A Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG) isolate from an atypically mild outbreak in turkey breeders was found to be similar to house finch isolates by DNA analyses. A preliminary study in turkeys showed that this isolate (K5054) caused very mild lesions and protected turkeys against subsequent challenge with a virulent MG strain. In this study, K5054 was further evaluated as a potential vaccine strain in commercial layer-type chickens and turkeys. The safety of K5054 was evaluated by aerosol challenge followed by evaluation of gross and histopathologic lesions as well as serologic reactions and isolation of MG from the trachea and air sacs. Infection of chickens (trial 1) and turkeys (trial 2) with K5054 resulted in little evidence of MG lesions. There was weak seroconversion, and K5054 was consistently reisolated from the tracheas of chickens and turkeys. The efficacy of K5054 as a vaccine was evaluated by aerosol challenge of vaccinated chickens (trial 3) and turkeys (trial 4) with virulent R strain. There was evidence of protection from lesions associated with MG.
Approximately 46% (75/162) or poultry enterococci collected between 1999 and 2000 exhibited high-level resistance to gentamicin (minimum inhibitory concentration [MIC] ≥ 500 μg/ml), kanamycin (MIC ≥ 500 μg/ml), or streptomycin (MIC ≥ 1000 μg/ml). Forty-one percent of the isolates were resistant to kanamycin (n = 67), whereas 23% and 19% were resistant to gentamicin (n = 37) and streptomycin (n = 31), respectively. The predominant species identified was Enterococcus faecium (n = 105), followed by Enterococcus faecalis (n = 40) and Enterococcus durans (n = 8). Using polymerase chain reaction, the isolates were examined for the presence of 10 aminoglycoside resistance genes [ant(6)-Ia, ant(9)-Ia, ant(4′)-Ia, aph(3′)-IIIa, aph(2″)-Ib, aph(2″)-Ic, aph(2″)-Id, aac(6′)-Ie-aph(2″)-Ia, and aac(6′)-Ii]. Five aminoglycoside resistance genes were detected, most frequently aac(6′)-Ii and ant(6)-Ia from E. faecium. Seven E. faecalis isolates resistant to gentamicin, kanamycin, or streptomycin were negative for all genes tested, indicating that additional resistance genes may exist. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that the isolates were genetically different with little clonality. These data indicate that enterococci from poultry are diverse and contain potentially unidentified aminoglycoside resistance genes.
The impact of chicken infectious anemia virus (CIAV) infection on commercial chicken flocks in Israel was examined by analyzing flocks with or without typical CIAV signs, signs of other diseases, or apparently healthy flocks. In 23 flocks (broilers and layers) of ages up to 8 wk, typical signs of CIAV infection (stunting, gangrenous dermatitis, and secondary bacterial infections) were recorded. When permitted by flock owners, in several cases among these 23 flocks the morbidity, mortality, and performance parameters were recorded; the presence of CIAV was detected by polymerase chain reaction (PCR); and the antibody status of parents and broilers was measured. In addition, total mortality, number of birds sold, total kilograms of meat sold, density (kg/m2), mean age at slaughter, daily growth rate in grams, total kilogram of food consumed, food conversion rate, and the European Index were calculated. We also surveyed flocks affected by other diseases, such as tumors, respiratory diseases, or coccidiosis, and flocks with no apparent clinical signs. The latter flocks were negative by CIAV-PCR, indicating that typical CIAV clinical signs are associated with one-step PCR-CIAV amplification. However, a small amount of CIAV might still be present in these flocks, acting to induce the subclinical effects of CIAV infection. These data indicate a link between the presence of virus sequences and typical CIAV signs and strengthen the concept that CIAV infection has a negative economic impact on the chicken industry.
Chickens were intranasally inoculated with Chilean H7N3 avian influenza (AI) viruses of low pathogenicity (LP) (H7N3/LP), high pathogenicity (HP) (H7N3/HP), and a laboratory derivative (02-AI-15-#9) (H7N3/14D) from the LPAI virus to determine pathobiologic effects. All chickens inoculated with H7N3/HP AI virus became infected and abruptly died 2 or 3 days postinoculation, but a few showed moderate depression before death. The H7N3/HP AI virus produced focal hemorrhages of the comb, petechial hemorrhage at the esophageal–proventricular junction and proventricular mucosa, edema and congestion of the lung, petechiation of the spleen, and generalized decrease in body fat. Histologically, severe necrosis, hemorrhage, and inflammation were primarily identified in lungs and the lymphoid tissues. All tissues sampled from the H7N3/HP AI group were positive for the AI viral antigen, predominantly in endothelium of blood vessels throughout most tissues and less frequently in histiocytes and cellular debris of lymphoid tissues. Even less consistently, cardiac myocytes, hepatocytes, Kupffer cells, glandular epithelial cells, microglial cells, and neurons became infected. These studies suggest the Chilean H7N3/LP AI virus was poorly infectious for chickens and may have been recently introduced from a nongalliform host. By contrast, the H7N3/HP AI virus was highly infectious and lethal for chickens. The H7N3/HP AI virus had a strong tropism for the cardiovascular system, principally vascular endothelium, which is similar to the viral tropism demonstrated previously with other H5 and H7 HPAI viruses. Interestingly, the H7N3/LP AI virus on intravenous inoculation replicated in cardiac myocytes, a feature of HPAI and not LPAI viruses, which further supports the theory that the H7N3/LP AI virus was in transition from LP to HP.
Earlier studies have shown that the B haplotype has a significant influence on the protective efficacy of vaccines against Marek's disease (MD) and that the level of protection varies dependent on the serotype of MD virus (MDV) used in the vaccine. To determine if the protective glycoprotein gene gB is a basis for this association, we compared recombinant fowlpox virus (rFPV) containing a single gB gene from three serotypes of MDV. The rFPV were used to vaccinate 15.B congenic lines. Nonvaccinated chickens from all three haplotypes had 84%–97% MD after challenge. The rFPV containing gB1 provides better protection than rFPV containing gB2 or gB3 in all three B genotypes. Moreover, the gB proteins were critical, since the B*21/*21 chickens had better protection than chickens with B*13/*13 or B*5/*5 using rFPV with gB1, gB2, or gB3. A newly described combined rFPV/gB1gEgIUL32 HVT vaccine was analyzed in chickens of lines 15 × 7 (B*2/*15) and N (B*21/*21) challenged with two vv strains of MDV. There were line differences in protection by the vaccines and line N had better protection with the rFPV/gB1gEgIUL32 HVT vaccines (92%–100%) following either MDV challenge, but protection was significantly lower in 15 × 7 chickens (35%) when compared with the vaccine CVI988/Rispens (94%) and 301B1 HVT (65%). Another experiment used four lines of chickens receiving the new rFPV HVT vaccine or CVI988/Rispens and challenge with 648A MDV. The CVI 988/Rispens generally provided better protection in lines P and 15 × 7 and in one replicate with line TK. The combined rFPV/gB1gEgIUL32 HVT vaccines protected line N chickens (90%) better than did CVI988/Rispens (73%). These data indicate that rFPV HVT vaccines may provide protection against MD that is equivalent to or superior to CVI988/Rispens in some chicken strains. It is not clear whether the rFPV/gB1gEgIUL32 HVT vaccine will offer high levels of protection to commercial strains, but this vaccine, when used in line N chickens, may be a useful model to study interactions between vaccines and chicken genotypes and may thereby improve future MD vaccines.
Campylobacter, a foodborne pathogen closely associated with poultry, is considered to be an important agent of human gastroenteritis in New Zealand. The pathways involved in the contamination of poultry flocks remain unclear; however, many vectors, such as insects, rodents, and wild birds, have been implicated. Infestation of poultry houses by insects, particularly darkling beetles (Alphitobius diaperinus), is difficult to control. Furthermore, darkling beetles are known vectors for a variety of pathogens that include Salmonella, infectious bursal disease virus, Aspergillus, Escherichia coli, and Marek's disease virus. In this investigation, the relationship between darkling beetles and Campylobacter contamination of poultry flocks was investigated. A New Zealand breeder flock and four of its progeny broiler flocks were included in the study. Samples of beetles and of intestinal excreta of the birds were cultured for the presence of Campylobacter spp. A subset of the recovered isolates was subsequently genotyped using flaA short variable region (SVR) DNA sequence analysis. A large number of Campylobacter subtypes were isolated, indicating that Campylobacter colonization of poultry is likely to arise from a number of different reservoirs. However, a set of genetically distinct isolates were found to be common to the broiler flocks and to the beetles. This research provides data that indicates that Alphitobius diaperinus may serve as a source of Campylobacter contamination of poultry. A more thorough understanding of the relationship between beetle infestation and the Campylobacter status of poultry flocks should enable progress in further development of biosecurity control measures.
Bacteriologic culturing of environmental samples taken from sources such as manure pits and egg belts has been the principal screening tool in programs for identifying commercial laying flocks that have been exposed to Salmonella enteritidis and are thus at risk to produce contaminated eggs. Because airborne dust and aerosols can carry bacteria, air sampling offers a potentially efficient and inexpensive alternative for detecting S. enteritidis in poultry house environments. In the present study, an electrostatic air sampling device was applied to detect S. enteritidis in a room containing experimentally infected, caged laying hens. After oral inoculation of hens with a phage type 13a S. enteritidis strain, air samples were collected onto agar plates with the electrostatic sampling device, an impaction air sampler, and by passive exposure to the settling of aerosols and dust. Even though the floor of the room was cleaned once per week (removing most manure, dust, and feathers), air samples were positive for S. enteritidis for up to 4 wk postinoculation. On the basis of both the number of S. enteritidis colonies observed on incubated agar plates and the frequency of positive results, the efficiency of the electrostatic device was significantly greater than that of the passive exposure plates (especially at short collection intervals) and was similar to that of the far more expensive impaction sampler. The electrostatic device, used for a 3-hr sampling interval, detected airborne S. enteritidis on 75% of agar plates over the 4 wk of the study.
To determine the optimum route of vaccination, we inoculated 1-day-old turkeys with a cold-adapted strain of avian pneumovirus (APV) by oculonasal, oral, or aerosol route. Another two groups served as nonvaccinated-challenged and nonvaccinated-nonchallenged groups. Birds in all vaccinated and nonvaccinated-challenged groups were challenged with virulent APV 3 wk postvaccination. After challenge, no vaccinated bird developed clinical signs or virus shedding, whereas nonvaccinated-challenged birds developed clinical signs (clinical score = 11.2/bird) and shed virus from their choanal cleft. Birds in all three vaccinated groups seroconverted at 3 wk postvaccination. The nonvaccinated-nonchallenged group remained free of clinical signs and virus shedding and did not develop APV antibodies throughout the course of the study. These results suggest that this cold-adapted strain of APV is safe and effective in 1-day-old turkeys when given by any of the three routes.
Four trials were conducted to evaluate whether prior infection with Salmonella enterica serovar typhimurium (S. typhimurium) or Salmonella enterica serovar muenchen (S. muenchen) would modify the severity or the transmission of Salmonella enterica serovar enteritidis (S. enteritidis) challenge in hens undergoing molt via feed withdrawal. Hens were separated into two groups where one group received a prior S. typhimurium or S. muenchen infection, whereas the other group remained untreated until S. enteritidis challenge. In trials 1 and 2, one group of hens was infected with S. typhimurium 5 days prior to feed withdrawal. Both groups of hens were then challenged with S. enteritidis on day 4 post feed withdrawal. In trials 3 and 4, one group of hens received S. typhimurium or S. muenchen, respectively, 1 day after feed was withdrawn. Transmission of S. enteritidis was evaluated by challenging the center hen in rows of 11 hens per row with S. enteritidis at 4 days post feed withdrawal and following the progression of the S. enteritidis down the row of hens over time. In trials 1and 2, where hens received S. typhimurium 5 days prior to feed withdrawal, shedding of the S. enteritidis challenge was significantly reduced in hens on day 10 postchallenge in trial 1 and on days 3 and 10 postchallenge in trial 2 compared with the hens subjected only to the molt procedure. Significantly fewer S. enteritidis were recovered in livers and spleens at day 9 postchallenge in trial 2 from hens receiving the prior S. typhimurium infection. In trial 3, where hens received S. typhimurium 1 day after feed withdrawal, S. enteritidis transmission was significantly reduced in these hens on days 3, 10, and 24 postchallenge. In trial 4, similar in methodology to trial 3 except that, rather than S. typhimurium, hens received S. muenchen, a Salmonella organism totally lacking any antigen cross-reactive with S. enteritidis, S. enteritidis transmission was significantly reduced on days 3, 10, 17, and 24 postchallenge, suggesting that factors other than specific immunity were involved in the observed resistance to S. enteritidis infection. These results indicate that prior infection of a flock with a non-S. enteritidis paratyphoid Salmonella can reduce S. enteritidis problems that may occur during a molt.
During the spring of 2002, a low pathogenic avian influenza (LPAI) A (H7N2) virus caused a major outbreak among commercial poultry in Virginia and adjacent states. The virus primarily affected turkey flocks, causing respiratory distress and decreased egg production. Experimentally, turkeys were more susceptible than chickens to H7N2 virus infection, with 50% bird infectious dose titers equal to 100.8 and 102.8–3.2, respectively. Comparison of virus shedding from the cloaca and oropharynx demonstrated that recent H7N2 virus isolates were readily isolated from the upper respiratory tract but rarely from the gastrointestinal tract. The outbreak of H7N2 virus raised concerns regarding the availability of vaccines that could be used for the prevention and control of this virus in poultry. We sought to determine if an existing commercial avian influenza (AI) vaccine prepared from a 1997 seed stock virus could provide protection against a 2002 LPAI H7N2 virus isolated from a turkey (A/turkey/Virginia/158512/02 [TV/02]) in Virginia that was from the same lineage as the vaccine virus. The inactivated AI vaccine, prepared from A/chicken/Pennsylvania/21342/97 (CP/97) virus, significantly reduced viral shedding from vaccinated turkeys in comparison with sham controls but did not prevent infection. The protective effect of vaccination correlated with the level of virus-specific antibody because a second dose of vaccine increased antiviral serum immunoglobulin G and hemagglutination inhibition (HI) reactivity titers in two different turkey age groups. Serum from CP/97-vaccinated turkeys reacted equally well to CP/97 and TV/02 antigens by HI and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. These results demonstrate the potential benefit of using an antigenically related 1997 H7N2 virus as a vaccine candidate for protection in poultry against a H7N2 virus isolate from 2002.
Fertile eggs were obtained from three different broiler breeder flocks with different levels of virus neutralizing antibodies to infectious bursal disease virus. Egg yolk from these flocks was tested for antibody titers by the virus neutralization test. Flock I eggs had no antibodies, flock II had medium level antibodies (1:200–1600; geometric mean = 1:975), and flock III had a high level of antibodies (1:1600–6400; geometric mean = 1:3365). Chicks from the above flocks were challenged each with 102 50% embryo infective dose of the IN serotype 1 variant virus at 1, 2, and 4 wk of age and examined at 5 and 11 days postchallenge. The average organ/body weight ratios were calculated and statistically analyzed.
Chicks with no maternal antibodies were not protected at any age. Chicks with medium levels of maternal antibodies were protected when challenged at 1 and 2 wk of age. Chicks with high levels of maternally derived antibodies were protected when challenged at all the ages tested. The above results were statistically significant (P < 0.05).
Effects of administering killed Salmonella enterica serovar enteritidis (SE) vaccines to laying hens prior to induced molting on egg production and on shedding of SE were investigated. Forty hens were vaccinated with one of two SE vaccines available commercially in the United States and Japan. Twenty-five days after vaccination, feed was withdrawn for 2 wk from 20 vaccinated plus 10 unvaccinated hens to induce molt. Four days after molt induction, all hens were challenged with a dose of 2.4 × 109 of SE. For the 25 days following administration of the SE bacterins, egg production in vaccinated hens showed approximately a 15% decrease. After molt induction, egg production in molted hens ceased and then returned to normal levels 8 or 9 wk postvaccination. Through the 3-mo experimental period, the decreases in numbers of eggs laid in the unvaccinated/molted group and two vaccinated/molted groups were 225 (26.2%), 245 (28.4%), and 274 (31.9%), respectively, compared with 860 in the unvaccinated/unmolted group. There was no significant difference in egg lay at the P < 0.05 level among the former three groups. Hens in the vaccinated/molted groups shed about two logs less SE than hens in the unvaccinated/molted group 3–14 days postchallenge (P < 0.05 or 0.01). These results indicate that vaccination prior to induced molting might be effective in preventing the exacerbation of SE problems within flocks in which the potential for SE contamination may exist.
Matched sampling of Escherichia coli from broiler house litter and bird lesions of either cellulitis or colibacillosis was conducted to investigate the relationship of pathogenic E. coli to those found in the environment. Isolates were collected from six broiler flocks representing six geographically disparate ranches. Isolates were compared by flock for similarity in serotype and genotyped by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. Serotyping revealed a considerable dissociation between the two groups of isolates. The prevalence of pathogenic E. coli that matched the environmental isolates from the same house was 0 to 3%. Statistical analysis of the serotype data showed a strong dependence of serotype on isolate source, indicating a high probability that a particular serotype would be found among lesions or litter but not in both groups. Genotyping of isolates on two farms supported the results of serotyping and provided differentiation of isolates that could not by typed by serology. These results suggested that the prevalence of pathogenic E. coli in the broiler house was independent of the prevalence of other commensal or environmental E. coli. Understanding the composition of E. coli populations in commercial poultry production may have bearing on the epidemiology and control of E. coli related diseases.
A clinical study was conducted on commercial layers housed in biological isolation units, within which exogenous stress factors potentially affecting bird performance were minimized. This set-up was devised in order to assess how a pre-lay inoculation of S6 strain Mycoplasma gallisepticum affects the leukocytic properties of laying chickens. Previous studies have demonstrated relative decreases in lymphocyte and relative increases in heterophil percentages in birds infected with other strains of Mycoplasma gallisepticum. However, current results showed that the differential percentages of lymphocytes were decreased, whereas those of heterophils were increased, in both sham-inoculated control birds and birds inoculated with S6 Mycoplasma gallisepticum between 19 and 26 wk of age. This study clearly shows that a pre-lay inoculation of S6 Mycoplasma gallisepticum alone had no apparent effect on the leukocyte profile of commercial layers housed in biological isolation units.
Sera samples from seven poultry farms in southwest Nigeria consisting of 7 broiler, 10 pullet, 1 layer, 1 cockerel, and 1 broiler breeder flocks were tested for the presence of chicken infectious anemia virus (CIAV) antibodies using a commercial enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay kit. Eleven of the 20 flocks (55%) and six out of seven (86%) farms were positive for CIAV antibodies. The seroprevalence largely depended on the age of the flocks. Seroprevalence was higher within the older pullet and layer flocks (83%–100%) than in the younger broiler flocks (0%–83%). In essence, all flocks older than 6 to 8 wk became infected. This is the first report of serologic evidence of CIAV in Subsaharan Africa. Since Southwest Nigeria is the main port of entry of imported chicken and the hub of major poultry breeders, the disease can probably be found throughout the country and beyond. Further studies are necessary to assess economic losses due to CIAV and the cost benefit of countermeasures.
A small round virus (SRV) was isolated in 1988 from droppings of enteritis-affected turkeys in North Carolina and tentatively identified as an enterovirus on the basis of size (18–24 nm in diameter), intracytoplasmic morphogenesis, and a single-stranded RNA genome of approximately 7.5 kb. Additional characterization studies based on antigenic and genomic analyses were done to determine the relationship of this turkey enterovirus-like virus (TELV) to turkey astrovirus 2 (TAstV2), a recently characterized SRV of turkeys. Cross-immunofluorescence studies with TELV- and TAstV2-specific antisera indicated a close antigenic relationship between these viruses. TELV RNA was amplified by reverse transcriptase–polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) procedures with oligonucleotide primers specific for TAstV2 polymerase gene (open reading frame [ORF] 1b) and capsid protein gene (ORF 2). Subsequent sequence analyses of these TELV-derived RT-PCR products indicated a high degree of similarity with polymerase gene (98.8%) and capsid gene (96.9%) of TAstV2. These studies definitively identify TELV (North Carolina, 1988 isolate) as TAstV2.
Four genotypes of the psittacid herpesvirus (PsHV) cause Pacheco disease in parrots. Viruses that are serologically cross-reactive to the PsHVs have also been isolated from passerine species. DNA was amplified from a herpesvirus isolated from a superb starling (Lamprotornis superbus) with PsHV-specific primers and polymerase chain reaction. A comparison of the partial sequence of the UL 16 gene from this herpesvirus with sequences from viruses of known PsHV genotypes showed that the herpesvirus from the superb starling was a PsHV genotype 1 virus. This finding expands the range of birds that are known to be susceptible to PsHV genotype 1 infections and suggests that PsHVs should be considered as a differential in passerines with herpesvirus infections.
Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG) was used to infect the MSB-1 cells, the HD-11 cells, and chicken embryos. The RNA from these cells and the embryonic spleen cells were extracted and assayed for the expression of cytokine genes using reverse transcription–polymerase chain reaction. The results showed that MG infection suppressed the expression of the IL-8 gene in the MSB-1 cells and enhanced the expression of the IL-8 and IL-6 genes in the HD-11 cells; a slightly increased expression of macrophage inflammatory protein-1β (MIP-1β) in MG-infected spleen cells was noted. Because of the divergent response in cytokine expression in different cell types, more work needs to be done before a correlation between the cytokine gene expression and the pathogenesis of a disease can be made.
In order to determine whether the current field strains of egg drop syndrome (EDS) 1976 viruses adapt to chickens, we compared the growth efficiency of three Japanese field strains (JPA-1/79, AWI/98, Gifu/01) in chicken and duck embryo liver cells. The growth efficiency in chicken or duck embryo liver cells was almost similar in these strains. The fiber protein may carry the type-specific antigen and the hemagglutination activity, and hexon protein may contain the subgroup-specific antigenic determinants. Therefore, the fiber head and hexon loop 1 DNA domain sequences of the six Japanese field strains (JPA-1/79, ME/80, 44/81, Kyoto/91, AWI/98, Gifu/01) were compared, but these DNA domains were identical among the six field strains. Our data suggested that the EDS virus was maintained without discernible changes for the last two decades in the field.
We investigated the effect of in ovo administered reovirus vaccines on the immune responses of specific-pathogen-free chickens. T-cell mitogenic responses to concanavalin A were numerically lower at 9 and 12 days of age and significantly lower at 6 days of age in birds vaccinated with a commercial reovirus vaccine compared with unvaccinated birds or birds vaccinated with an experimental reovirus–antibody complex vaccine. There were no significant differences in proportions of subpopulations of helper (CD4CD8−) or cytotoxic (CD4−CD8) T cells except at 12 days of age, when the percentages of CD4−CD8 cells in the two vaccinated groups were statistically higher than in the nonvaccinated group. B-cell populations were not different among vaccine groups except at 9 days of age, when the vaccinated groups had the highest level of B cells. This commercial reovirus vaccine should not be given in ovo to embryos having little or no maternal antibody, otherwise immunosuppression may occur in the chicks. The addition of the antibody complex to the vaccine prevented this T-cell immunosuppression.
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