Species diversity in the genus Lepidosperma Labill. is much greater than previously thought. On the basis of morphological and molecular data, we currently recognise 73 named species (mainly in Australia), with many more species yet to be described. As a precursor to a complete revision, we review the names published in Lepidosperma. All published names at infrageneric, specific and infraspecific rank are typified and their current taxonomic status is indicated. Brief distribution notes are given for the 73 named species recognised. We also give a list of names referrable to other genera. A summary of the taxonomic history of the genus is provided, as well as notes on the specimens collected by early collectors in Australia. Three new combinations are made in Lepidosperma: L. asperatum (Kük.) R.L.Barrett, L. neozelandicum (Kük.) R.L.Barrett & K.L.Wilson and L. rigidulum (Kük.) K.L.Wilson. L. sanguinolentum K.L.Wilson is a nomen novum based on L. drummondii var. floribundum Kük. Lectotypes are designated for eight infrageneric names and for 39 specific and infraspecific names, including the following: L. angustifolium Hook.f., L. angustatum R.Br., L. angustatum var. curvispiculum Benth., L. australe (A.Rich.) Hook.f., L. benthamianum C.B.Clarke, L. brunonianum Nees, L. brunonianum var. binuciferum Kük., L. canescens Boeckeler, L. carphoides Benth., L. concavum var. pyramidatum Benth., L. confine Nees, L. costale Nees, L. costale var. densispicatum Kük., L. drummondii Benth., L. effusum Benth., L. forsythii A.A.Ham., L. gladiatum Labill., L. globosum Labill., L. inops F.Muell. ex Rodway, L. laterale var. angustum Benth., L. laterale var. majus Benth., L. leptophyllum Benth., L. leptostachyum Benth., L. leptostachyum var. asperatum Kük., L. muelleri Boeckeler, L. neesii Kunth, L. perplanum Guillaumin, L. perteres C.B.Clarke, L. pruinosum Kük., L. pruinosum var. rigidulum Kük., L. quadrangulatum A.A.Ham., L. resinosum var. pleianthemum Kük., L. scabrum Nees, L. scabrum var. effusum Benth., L. sieberi Kunth, L. squamatum Labill., L. tenue Benth., L. viscidum R.Br. and L. viscidum var. subpyramidale Kük. Twenty-two excluded names are listed and new combinations are provided in Tricostularia for L. aphyllum R.Br. and L. exsul C.B.Clarke. A lectotype is selected for L. pauciflorum F.Muell. (= Tricostularia pauciflora (F.Muell.) Benth.).