1–3 February 2017
Arctic Change and its Influence on Mid-Latitude Climate and Weather
Washington, DC, U.S.A.
6–9 February 2017
Circum-Polar Flux Workshop
Hyytiälä, Finland
12–17 February 2017
International Symposium on the Southern Cryosphere: Climate Drivers and Global Connections
Wellington, New Zealand
12–18 February 2017
3rd Snow Science Winter School
Sodankylä, Finland
http://www.slf.ch/dienstleistungen/events/ snowschool/index_EN
20–24 February 2017
Practice Meets Science: International Advanced Training Course on Snow and Avalanches 2017
Davos, Switzerland
26 February-3 March 2017
ASLO 2017 Aquatic Sciences Meeting— Mountains to the Sea
Honolulu, Hawaii, U.S.A.
27 February-5 March 2017
Interdisciplinary PhD course in Marine Sustainability
20–24 March 2017
North American CryoSat Science Meeting and Geodetic Missions Workshop
Banff, Alberta, Canada
23–25 March 2017
47th International Arctic Workshop 2017—Polar Climate and Sea Level: Past, Present & Future
Buffalo, New York, U.S.A.
25–26 March 2017
Gordon Research Conference on Polar Marine Science—Advancing the Physical-Biological Understanding of Polar Marine Ecosystems through Innovative Technology
Ventura, California, U.S.A.
26–31 March 2017
Gordon Research Conference on Polar Marine Science—Understanding Polar Ecosystem Change through Time Series Observations, Technological Advances, and Biophysical Coupled Modeling
Ventura, California, U.S.A.
4–6 April 2017
Workshop: Opportunities to Apply Remote Sensing in Boreal/Arctic Wildfire Management and Science
Fairbanks, Alaska, U.S.A.
https://www.frames.gov/partner-sites/afsc/events/ previous-events/workshops/2017-rs-workshop/
19–21 April 2017
International Workshop on Polar Airborne Geodesy and Geophysics with Focus on Polar Applications
Dresden, Germany
24–27 April 2017
International Conference on Arctic Science: Bringing Knowledge to Action
Reston,Virginia, U.S.A.
9–12 May 2017
31st Wakefield Fisheries Symposium: Impacts of the Environment on the Dynamics of High-Latitude Fish and Shellfish
Anchorage, Alaska, U.S.A.
22–25 May 2017
International Conference on High Latitude Dust 2017
Reykjavík, Iceland
http://www.geomorphology.org.uk/meetings/ international-conference-high-latitude-dust-2017
22–26 May 2017
5th International Conference on Palaeo-Arctic Spatial and Temporal (PAST) Gateways
Fiskebäckskil, Sweden
28–31 May 2017
2017 Joint Annual Scientific Meeting of the Canadian Geophysical Union and the Canadian Society of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
http://cgu-ugc2017meeting.ca/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/CGU_CSAFM_2017_Call_ Session-Proposals.pdf
4–8 June 2017
International Conference—Earth's Cryosphere: Past, Present and Future
Pushchino, near Moscow, Russian Federation
6–9 June 2017
EGU Galileo Conference: from Process to Signal— Advancing Environmental Seismology
Ohlstadt, Germany
19–22 June 2017
31st International Forum for Research into Ice Shelf Processes (FRISP)
Sotra, near Bergen, Norway
5–7 July 2017
2017 HASSEG Conference—Depths and Surfaces: Understanding the Antarctic Region through the Humanities and Social Sciences
Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
16–22 July 2017
Innsbruck Summer School of Alpine Research— Close Range Sensing Techniques in Alpine Terrain
Obergurgl, Austria
9–12 August 2017
7th International Conference on Polar and Alpine Microbiology—Coming in from the Cold: Microbial Roles in the Warming Cryosphere
Nuuk, Greenland
14–19 August 2017
International Symposium on Polar Ice, Polar Climate and Polar Change: remote sensing advances in understanding the cryosphere
Boulder, Colorado, U.S.A.
6–7 September 2017
International Glaciological Society British Branch Meeting
Lancaster University, U.K.
Contact Amber Leeson <a.leeson@,lancaster.ac.uk>
25–27 October 2017
International Glaciological Society Nordic Branch Meeting
Uppsala, Sweden
Contact Veijo Pohjola <veijo.pohjola@,geo.uu.se>
6–11 November 2017
9th International Conference on Geomorphology of the International Association of Geomorphologists
New Delhi, India
14–19 March 2018
International Symposium on Cryosphere and Biosphere
Contact Nozomu Takeuchi <ntakeuch@,faculty. chiba-u.jp>