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1 March 2014 A Revised Check List of British Spiders
Peter Merrett, Anthony Russell-Smith, Peter Harvey
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A complete, revised check list of British spiders is presented, with explanations for all changes made since the previous list provided by Merrett & Murphy (2000).

The following nine species are added to the list: Theridion hannoniae, Rugathodes sexpunctatus, Diplocephalus graecus, Mermessus trilobatus, Pardosa lugubris, Agroeca dentigera, Clubiona frutetorum, Sitticus distinguendus and Macaroeris nidicolens. The following three species are deleted: Theridion sp., Lepthyphantes beckeri and Gibbaranea bituberculata.

The following previously proposed synonym is accepted: Micaria romana = M. albovittata. Generic changes affect Anelosimus aulicus (transferred to Kochiura), Achaearanea veruculata (transferred to Cryptachaea), Theridion sisyphium and T. impressum (transferred to Phylloneta), Theridion tinctum (transferred to Platnickina), Baryphyma duffeyi (transferred to Praestigia), Trichopterna thorelli (transferred to Trichopternoides), Carorita paludosa (transferred to Karita), Lepthyphantes whymperi (transferred to Mughiphantes), Lepthyphantes obscurus (transferred to Obscuriphantes), Lepthyphantes alacris, L. tenuis, L. zimmermanni, L. cristatus, L. mengei, L. flavipes and L. tenebricola (transferred to Tenuiphantes), Lepthyphantes ericaeus, L. pallidus, L. insignis and L. antroniensis (transferred to Palliduphantes), Lepthyphantes pinicola (transferred to Piniphantes), Lepthyphantes angulatus (transferred to Oryphantes), Lepthyphantes complicatus (transferred to Improphantes), Lepthyphantes expunctus (transferred to Agnyphantes), Zygiella stroemi (transferred to Stroemiellus), and Bianor aurocinctus (transferred to Sibianor). In addition, the genus Phrurolithus is transferred from the Liocranidae to the Corinnidae, Wabasso replicatus is revalidated as a separate species, and Megalepthyphantes collinus occidentalis? is listed here as Megalepthyphantes sp.

Holocnemus pluchei, Steatoda paykulliana, Cryptachaea blattea, Islandianafalsifica, Mermessus maculatus, Frontinellina frutetorum, Zoropsis spinimana, Tegenaria ramblae, Anyphaena sabina, Synema globosum, Philaeus chrysops and Hasarius adansoni are added to the list of other species which have been found in Britain but whose status is uncertain.

Peter Merrett, Anthony Russell-Smith, and Peter Harvey "A Revised Check List of British Spiders," Arachnology 16(4), 134-144, (1 March 2014).
Published: 1 March 2014
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