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1 September 2012 Age in Relation to Copulation, Egg Development, and Multiple Mating Behavior in the Coconut Palm Pest Brontispa longissima (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)
Kei Kawazu, Wataru Sugeno, Atsushi Mochizuki, Shun-Ichiro Takano, Mika Murata, Ryoko T. Ichiki, Satoshi Nakamura
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To clarify the reproductive properties of the coconut palm pest, Brontispa longissima (Gestro) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), we investigated in the laboratory the diel periodicity in copulation, effect of adult age after emergence on copulation and ovarian development, reproductive development in relation to female age, and the possibility of multiple mating. The beetles used in this study were reared in the laboratory and were fed an alternative food plant, narrowleaf cattail, Typha domingensis Pers. (Typhaceae). Copulation occurred throughout the 24-h cycle but mostly occurred in the photophase with two peaks, one at the onset of lights-on and the other 8–12 h after lights-on, indicating that most copulation activity in B. longissima in the field occurs in the early morning and the afternoon. Females could copulate immediately after emergence, whereas males began copulating 3 wk after emergence. Ovaries of females started to develop in the absence of mating and were correlated with adult age. Mature males could copulate with females regardless of ovarian developmental stage, and females with undeveloped ovaries accepted copulation attempts. Our study showed that the timing of copulation during the preoviposition period would not affect numbers of eggs laid, length of preoviposition period, or viability of eggs. B. longissima adults engaged in multiple mating.

© 2012 Entomological Society of America
Kei Kawazu, Wataru Sugeno, Atsushi Mochizuki, Shun-Ichiro Takano, Mika Murata, Ryoko T. Ichiki, and Satoshi Nakamura "Age in Relation to Copulation, Egg Development, and Multiple Mating Behavior in the Coconut Palm Pest Brontispa longissima (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)," Annals of the Entomological Society of America 105(5), 746-750, (1 September 2012).
Received: 7 June 2011; Accepted: 1 June 2012; Published: 1 September 2012

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mating behavior
multiple mating
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