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10 September 2018 Rediscovery of Cylindera (Cylindera) nudata (W. Horn, 1915) (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Cicindelini) from Durango, Mexico: Systematics, Neotype Designation, and Recognition
Robert E. Acciavatti, Foster Forbes Purrington, John Stamatov
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We document the rediscovery of Cylindera (Cylindera) nudata (W. Horn, 1915), a rarely collected tiger beetle species, from Durango, Mexico, nearly a century after its description in 1879. This rediscovery is based on a single female collected in 1972, and is only the second known specimen. Images of this specimen are provided, together with an English translation of the original German description and a review of its nomenclature. The unique female specimen is here designated as neotype for this species because it is the only extant specimen known. The holotype, the sole male and sole specimen in the original description, was destroyed during World War II. The neotype is deposited at the Carnegie Museum of Natural History, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. The information presented here will assist tiger beetle taxonomists in recognizing this species should it ever be collected in the future in Durango, or from adjoining Mexican states.

Robert E. Acciavatti, Foster Forbes Purrington, and John Stamatov "Rediscovery of Cylindera (Cylindera) nudata (W. Horn, 1915) (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Cicindelini) from Durango, Mexico: Systematics, Neotype Designation, and Recognition," Annals of Carnegie Museum 85(1), 1-4, (10 September 2018).
Published: 10 September 2018
Cylindera (Cylindera) nudata
tiger beetle
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