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30 June 2020 First Record of the Relict Australian Genus Meunierohelea in Miocene Dominican Amber (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae)
Ryszard Szadziewski, Elżbieta Sontag, Błażej Bojarski
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A new fossil species Meunierohelea fudalaisp. nov. from Miocene Dominican amber (16 Ma) is described and illustrated. The genus Meunierohelea is known from one extant species occurring in NE Australia, four named species from Eocene Baltic amber (45 Ma), and three species from Eocene Indian amber from Cambay (53 Ma). The present record indicates that, during its phylogenetic history, this group of predatory biting midges had a broad, probably worldwide, distribution.

© Museum and Institute of Zoology PAS
Ryszard Szadziewski, Elżbieta Sontag, and Błażej Bojarski "First Record of the Relict Australian Genus Meunierohelea in Miocene Dominican Amber (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae)," Annales Zoologici 70(2), 285-288, (30 June 2020).
Received: 14 April 2020; Accepted: 5 June 2020; Published: 30 June 2020
historical distribution
Meunierohelea fudalai
new species
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