Paleoecological and ecometric studies of animal communities' functional composition require quantification of whether fossil faunas reliably record trait distributions of living communities. We analyzed whether body size and dietary biases exist within Pleistocene Eurasian sites included in the NOW database, compared with modern communities. Based on mass distributions, we discriminated small mammal sites, large mammal sites, and mixed sites in this record. Large mammals made up 50% of occurring genera and, on average, 74% of genera occurring within sites. Mixed sites with more generic occurrences (17% of sites) fell within modern communities' variation in their proportions of body size and dietary categories. Both large and small mammal sites fell outside the range of modern variation. Whereas most modern communities included 50%–60% herbivorous genera, small and large mammal fossil sites record more herbivorous genera (average 70%). Overall, large mammal sites predominated in this record, and herbivores were over-represented relative to non-herbivores.