Pertya huangii Huan C. Wang & Q.P. Wang (Asteraceae) is described and illustrated as a new species endemic to Yunnan, southwest China. It belongs in Pertya sect. Pertya and is the westernmost species hitherto known for this section in China. Pertya huangii is most similar to P. hossei, but clearly differs from the latter by its terete, densely villous or sometimes glabrescent branchlets, abaxially villous leaves with a mucronate to acute apex and slightly dentate margin, leaf blades of long shoots being rounded at the base, and villose phyllaries.
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14 May 2020
Pertya huangii (Asteraceae), a New Species from Yunnan, Southwest China
Qiu-Ping Wang,
Kun Zhang,
Ye Tian,
Huan-Chong Wang
Annales Botanici Fennici
Vol. 57 • No. 1-3
May 2020
Vol. 57 • No. 1-3
May 2020