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29 December 2010 A New Genus of the Spider Family Caponiidae (Araneae, Haplogynae) from the West Indies
Alexander Sánchez-Ruiz, Norman I. Platnick, Nadine Dupérré
Author Affiliations +

A new genus, Cubanops, is established for a distinctive group of caponiid spiders from the West Indies. Nops ludovicorum Alayón, from Cuba, and Caponina darlingtoni Bryant, from Hispaniola, are transferred to Cubanops. Nine new species are described from the Bahama Islands (C. bimini, C. andersoni), Cuba (C. armasi, C. alayoni, C. juragua, C. granpiedra, C. terueli, C. tortuguilla), and Hispaniola (C. vega). All these species are nopines (i.e., have subsegmented tarsi) and have the ventral translucent keel on the anterior metatarsi, and the translucent extension of the membrane between the anterior metatarsi and tarsi, that are also found in the genera Nops MacLeay, Orthonops Chamberlin, and Tarsonops Chamberlin. However, Cubanops species lack the dorsally extended inferior claw found in Nops, and differ from those of Orthonops and Tarsonops in having a distinctly patterned carapace, a widened labium, and bisegmented metatarsi IV. Two species groups are recognized within the genus, which probably occurs also in Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands, as juveniles with these somatic characters have been taken on St. John.


This paper, the eighth in a series on caponiid spiders, deals with a distinctive group of relatively small species known only from the West Indies. Two of these species have been described, but were misplaced. One species was originally described as Nops ludovicorum Alayón (1976), from Cuba, but both sexes lack the distinctively elongated and dorsally reflexed inferior claws characteristic of that genus. An earlier species was originally described as Caponina darlingtoni Bryant (1948) from Hispaniola. As indicated by Chickering (1967) and Platnick (1994a), this species is misplaced in Caponina; indeed, it has the subsegmented tarsi that are considered synapomorphic for the subfamily Nopinae, and is therefore misplaced at both the generic and subfamilial levels.

These West Indian spiders, placed below in the new genus Cubanops, show two other unusual leg characters that are often found in nopine genera (Platnick, 1995: figs. 611). The anterior metatarsi bear a translucent ventral keel (figs. 83, 125, 126), and there is a translucent ventral extension of the membrane separating the anterior metatarsi and tarsi (figs. 84, 85, 127, 128). However, these species differ from the other nopines with these leg modifications in having a distinctively patterned carapace (figs. 3, 19), a greatly widened labium (figs. 74, 117), and bisegmented metatarsi IV (figs. 87, 131).

Nopine females have historically been hard to work with, as their genitalia are often relatively unsclerotized and can be extremely difficult to resolve. Most conventional preparation techniques are inadequate for many of these species. For this study, the use of pancreatin digestion (Álvarez-Padilla and Hormiga, 2008) has proven to be essential. Our digestions suggest that adult females have a receptaculum that is distinctively triangular, and that is sclerotized only along its anterior margin; there is an accompanying, membranous structure that usually extends anteriorly of the sclerotized margin (figs. 138, 139). The shape of the sclerotized anterior margin seems to vary among species (e.g., figs. 16, 59, 163). A similarly sclerotized anterior margin seems also to be present in juvenile females (figs. 42, 43), but in those cases the shape is more rectangular, with the anterior margin extending further anteriorly at the sides of the receptaculum than it does at the middle. Although we have seen adults of Cubanops only from the Bahama Islands, Cuba, and Hispaniola, a few specimens sharing the somatic characters of the genus have been taken on St. John. Those specimens are apparently all juvenile females, as they have this less well-developed, more rectangular type of receptaculum. They do appear to belong to the genus, however, suggesting that Cubanops probably occurs in Puerto Rico as well as the Virgin Islands.

The species treated below seem to fall into two distinct species groups. In the ludovicorum group, the embolus is relatively short and wide (figs. 8, 9) and the female receptaculum is relatively low (figs. 15, 16). Aside from C. ludovicorum, two new species from the Bahama Islands (C. bimini and C. andersoni), one from Cuba (C. armasi), and C. darlingtoni (Bryant) from Hispaniola belong to this group. In the alayoni group, the embolus is relatively long and narrow (figs. 155, 156) and the female receptaculum is relatively high (figs. 162, 163). This group includes the new Cuban species C. alayoni, C. juragua, C. granpiedra, C. terueli, and C. tortuguilla, plus the new species C. vega from Hispaniola.


  • AMNH American Museum of Natural History, New York

  • BSC Centro Oriental de Ecosistemas y Bio diversidad, Santiago de Cuba

  • IES Instituto de Ecología y Sistemática, Havana, Cuba

  • MCZ Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge


Cubanops , new genus

  • TYPE SPECIES: Nops ludovicorum Alayón (1976).

  • ETYMOLOGY: The generic name refers to the presence of the type species, previously misidentified as a member of Nops, in Cuba, and is masculine in gender.

  • DIAGNOSIS: Members of the genus can be separated from species of the previously known caponiid genera as follows: from the caponiine genera Caponia Simon (1887), Caponina Simon (1891), Diploglena Purcell (1904), Calponia Platnick (1993), Notnops Platnick (1994b), Taintnops Platnick (1994b), Tisentnops Platnick (1994b), Laoponia Platnick and Jäger (2008), and Iraponia Kranz-Baltensperger et al. (2009) by the presence of subsegmented tarsi; from Nops MacLeay (1839) by having normal, rather than greatly elongated and dorsally reflexed, inferior claws; from Nopsides Chamberlin (1924) by the presence of only two eyes; from Orthonops Chamberlin (1924) and Tarsonops Chamberlin (1924) by having a distinctly patterned carapace, a widened labium, and bisegmented metatarsi IV; and from the similarly patterned Nyetnops Platnick and Lise (2007) by having a translucent ventral keel on the anterior metatarsi and a translucent extension of the membrane separating the anterior metatarsi and tarsi.

  • DESCRIPTION: Small caponiids with two eyes (figs. 68, 69, 108, 109). Carapace broadly oval, widest at front of coxa II, anteriorly narrowed to less than half its maximum width (figs. 70, 110), pars cephalica slightly depressed behind ocular area (figs. 71, 111), without elevations extending toward coxae, pars thoracica short, sloping; surface of pars cephalica with scattered pits, surface of pars thoracica granulate; few dorsally directed strong bristles on clypeus (figs. 72, 107); scattered needlelike hairs most numerous around carapace margins; thoracic groove almost obsolete. Anterior median eyes dark, situated on slightly elevated tubercle, separated by about two-thirds their diameter, set back from anterior margin of clypeus by about twice their diameter, surrounded by oval ring of black pigment. Cheliceral paturon with scattered, long, weak bristles (figs. 78, 120); base of fang unmodified; median lamina long, with sharply pointed anteromedian tip (figs. 80, 81, 122, 123) contiguous with medially extended membranous lobe; lateral surface with stridulatory ridges (figs. 79, 121), pick on prolateral side of palpal femur, situated near proximal end of segment (figs. 102, 103, 146, 147). Endites broadly convergent along midline (but not touching), distally rounded, medially narrowed, covered with scattered long setae, with strong distal serrula consisting of single tooth row (figs. 76, 77, 119). Labium much wider than long (figs. 74, 117), separated from sternum by depressed groove, with distinct medial invagination at tip, covered with few scattered setae; labrum with numerous long setae (figs. 75, 118). Sternum about as wide as long, surface with few weak pits and numerous stiff setae (figs. 73, 116), without radial furrows between coxae, not fused to carapace; cephalothoracic membranes with three very weakly sclerotized epimeric sclerites above coxae I, II, and III plus IV; long triangular sclerites extend from sternum between coxae I and II, II and III, and III and IV, shorter triangles extending to each coxa. Leg formula 4123; legs without spines; femora elongate, metatarsi I–III entire (figs. 86, 124, 130), metatarsus IV and tarsi I–IV divided into two subsegments (figs. 87, 131); distal half of metatarsi I and II with translucent ventral keel (figs. 82, 83, 125, 126, 129), membranes separating metatarsi and tarsi I and II with translucent ventral extension (figs. 84, 85, 127, 128); tarsi with three claws; paired claws with five or six teeth (figs. 92–95, 132–136), distal teeth largest; unpaired claw shorter than paired ones, without teeth. Sense organs scanned only in C. alayoni; tibiae, metatarsi, and tarsi with trichobothria in single row, bases ridged (figs. 106, 137); tarsal organ exposed, highly elaborate (figs. 88–91, 112–115); female palpal tarsus elongated, without claw, prolateral and ventral surfaces densely covered with strong setae, distodorsal surface with patch of shortened setae (figs. 144, 145). Abdomen with only slightly sclerotized epigastric and postepigastric scuta; epigastric region slightly protruding, lightly sclerotized, with two pairs of respiratory spiracles clustered around epigastric groove; anterior spiracles leading to wide, short tracheal trunk ending in numerous long tracheoles (fig. 138), posterior spiracles leading to two large tracheal trunks extending anteriorly into cephalothorax, plus single, much narrower trunk extending posteriorly for most of abdominal length and few short, small tracheoles extending posteriorly; six spinnerets (scanned only in C. alayoni), in typical caponiid arrangement (figs. 96, 140, Platnick et al., 1991: 56), in males, anterior laterals with single, presumably major ampullate gland spigot (fig. 97), posterior medians with two spigots (fig. 98), posterior laterals with two spigots (fig. 99); in females, anterior laterals with one major ampullate gland and two piriform gland spigots (fig. 141), posterior medians with large, flattened minor ampullate gland spigot and two aciniform gland spigots (fig. 142), posterior laterals with three spigots (fig. 143). Male palpal patella and tibia short, tibia excavated ventrally; cymbium elongated, not swollen, prolateral surface densely covered with strong setae (figs. 100, 101), distodorsal surface with patch of shortened setae (fig. 105); bulb stout, globose, originating near base of cymbium; embolus with elaborate tip (figs. 8–9, 104). Female genitalic area with postepigastric scutum wide, oval (figs. 14, 30). Internal female genitalia consisting of triangular, anteriorly directed receptaculum with sclerotized anterior margin closely followed anteriorly by membranous sac (figs. 138, 139).

  • DISTRIBUTION: Bahama Islands (Bimini, Andros), Cuba, and Hispaniola (map 1); probably also Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands.

  • MAP 1.

    Records of Cubanops species. Black triangle, C. bimini; black circles: C. ludovicorum; black squares: C. armasi; white triangle: C. darlingtoni; black and white square: C. andersoni; black and white triangle: C. juragua; white squares: C. alayoni; black and white circle: C. granpiedra; white circle: C. terueli; circle with cross: C. tortuguilla; square with cross: C. vega.



    1. Male embolus relatively short, wide (as in figs. 8, 9); female receptaculum relatively low (as in figs. 15, 16) ludovicorum group, 2

    — Male embolus relatively long, narrow (as in figs. 155, 156); female receptaculum relatively high (as in figs. 162, 163) alayoni group, 8

    2. Carapace with pattern consisting mostly of orange and white areas, with few dark maculations (figs. 3, 12); sternum with anterior white band (figs. 4, 13) C. ludovicorum

    — Carapace with pattern consisting of numerous dark maculations (as in figs. 19, 28); sternum with anterior dark markings (as in figs. 20, 29) 3

    3. Males (those of C. darlingtoni unknown) 4

    — Females (those of C. andersoni unknown) 6

    4. Embolus with recurved tip (figs. 40, 41) C. andersoni

    — Embolus tip not recurved 5

    5. Embolus tip W-shaped (figs. 24, 25) C. bimini

    — Embolus tip V-shaped (figs. 51, 52) C. armasi

    6. Sternum with submarginal dark markings opposite endites and leg coxae (fig. 64); abdominal venter with median dark markings (fig. 62) C. darlingtoni

    6. Sternum with submarginal dark markings opposite endites only (figs. 29, 56); abdominal venter without median dark markings (figs. 27, 54) 7

    7. Posterior margin of epigastric area smoothly procurved (figs. 30, 31) C. bimini

    — Posterior margin of epigastric area undulating (figs. 57, 58) C. armasi

    8. Sternum with submarginal dark markings opposite endites and leg coxae (figs. 151, 222) 9

    — Sternum with submarginal dark markings opposite endites only (as in figs. 167, 192) 10

    9. Embolus tip straight (figs. 226, 227); receptacular triangle relatively low, wide (figs. 233, 234) C. vega

    — Embolus tip curved (figs. 155, 156); receptacular triangle relatively high, narrow (figs. 162, 163) C. alayoni

    10. Males (those of C. tortuguilla unknown) 11

    — Females 13

    11. Subdistal process on embolus tip short, recurved (fig. 204) C. terueli

    — Subdistal process on embolus tip long, not recurved (figs. 172, 188) 12

    12. Subdistal process on embolus tip reaching almost to embolus tip (fig. 188) C. granpiedra

    — Subdistal process on embolus tip shorter (fig. 172) C. juragua

    13. Anterior tip of receptaculum relatively narrow (figs. 178, 210) 14

    — Anterior tip of receptaculum relatively wide (figs. 194, 217) 15

    14. Anterior tip of receptaculum abruptly narrowed (fig. 210) C. terueli

    — Anterior tip of receptaculum gradually narrowed (fig. 178) C. juragua

    15. Sclerotized anterior margin of receptaculum much thicker laterally than medially (fig. 217) C. tortuguilla

    — Sclerotized anterior margin of receptaculum relatively uniform in thickness (fig. 194) C. granpiedra

    The ludovicorum Group

  • This group contains five species, with a relatively short embolus and a relatively low anterior receptaculum, found in the Bahama Islands, Cuba, and the Dominican Republic.

  • Cubanops ludovicorum (Alayón), new combination
    Figures 116

  • Nops ludovicorum Alayón, 1976: 2, figs. 1A–C (female holotype from Cocodrilo, Isla de la Juventud, Cuba, in IES; examined). — Alayón, 1977: 2, fig. 1A–B (male).

  • DIAGNOSIS: Males resemble those of C. bimini in having a long dorsal extension on the tip of the embolus, but have a single ventral embolar extension (fig. 9); females also resemble those of C. bimini but have the anterior margin of the receptaculum extending farther anteriorly at the midline than in that species (figs. 15, 16).

  • MALE: Total length 2.76 (figs. 1–9). Carapace orange with pair of large, rectangular, paramedian white areas, with posterolateral extensions. Sternum dark orange, with pale yellow submarginal band. Dorsum of abdomen light purple with three white chevrons. Legs pale yellow, with sides of anterior femora slightly darkened. Tip of embolus with long extension on dorsal surface, with shorter extension on ventral surface producing almost chelate appearance (fig. 9).

  • FEMALE: Total length 3.81 (figs. 10–16). Coloration as in male except legs light brown. Genitalia with broadly triangular receptaculum (figs. 15, 16).

  • MATERIAL EXAMINED: CUBA: Ciego de Ávila: Camino Cacasilla, Cayo Coco, Feb. 21, 1995, under rock in forest (M. López, BSC 588), 1 ♀; Cueva del Jabalí, Cayo Coco, Jan. 27, 1995 (M. López, BSC 595), 1♀. Isla de la Juventud (= Isla de Pinos): Cocodrilo (= Jacksonville), June 15, 1974 (L. Hernández, L. de Armas, IES T2), 1♀ (holotype); road between Cocodrilo and Cayo Piedras, Apr. 23, 1976 (G. Alayón, IES), 1♂.

  • DISTRIBUTION: Central Cuba and the Isla de la Juventud.

  • FIGS. 1–9.

    Cubanops ludovicorum (Alayón), male. 1. Habitus, dorsal view. 2. Same, ventral view. 3. Carapace, dorsal view. 4. Sternum and mouthparts, ventral view. 5. Epigastric region, ventral view. 6. Left palp, prolateral view. 7. Same, retrolateral view. 8. Bulb and embolus, prolateral view. 9. Embolus tip, prolateral view.


    FIGS. 10–16.

    Cubanops ludovicorum (Alayón), female. 10. Habitus, dorsal view. 11. Same, ventral view. 12. Carapace, dorsal view. 13. Sternum and mouthparts, ventral view. 14. Epigastric region, ventral view. 15. Internal genitalia, ventral view. 16. Same, dorsal view.


    FIGS. 17–25.

    Cubanops bimini, new species, male. 17. Habitus, dorsal view. 18. Same, ventral view. 19. Carapace, dorsal view. 20. Sternum and mouthparts, ventral view. 21. Epigastric region, ventral view. 22. Left palp, prolateral view. 23. Same, retrolateral view. 24. Bulb and embolus, prolateral view. 25. Embolus tip, prolateral view.


    FIGS. 26–32.

    Cubanops bimini, new species, female. 26. Habitus, dorsal view. 27. Same, ventral view. 28. Carapace, dorsal view. 29. Sternum and mouthparts, ventral view. 30. Epigastric region, ventral view. 31. Internal genitalia, ventral view. 32. Same, dorsal view.


    Cubanops bimini , new species
    Figures 1732

  • TYPES: Male holotype and female allotype from South Bimini, Bahama Islands (May 1951; W. Gertsch, M. Cazier), deposited in AMNH.

  • ETYMOLOGY: The specific name is a noun in apposition taken from the type locality.

  • DIAGNOSIS: This species seems closest to C. ludovicorum but can be distinguished by the very different color pattern on the carapace (figs. 19, 28) as well as the much more elaborate embolus tip of males (fig. 25) and the medially shorter genitalic receptaculum of females (fig. 32).

  • MALE: Total length 2.29 (figs. 17–25). Carapace pale yellow, with dark purple margins and median reticulations, those reticulations darkest opposite coxa II. Sternum pale orange, with darker, rebordered margins. Dorsum of abdomen light purple with four white chevrons. Legs pale yellow, with darkened sides on distal halves of all femora and tibiae. Tip of embolus with long extension on dorsal surface, followed ventrally by one long and three short prongs (fig. 25).

  • FEMALE: Total length 3.59 (figs. 26–32). Coloration as in male except sternum with dark patches opposite coxae I and II, abdominal chevrons smaller. Genitalia with relatively short, broadly triangular receptaculum (figs. 31, 32).

  • OTHER MATERIAL EXAMINED: BAHAMA ISLANDS: South Bimini: no specific locality, May 1951 (W. Gertsch, M. Cazier, AMNH), 3♂, 2♀, June 1951 (M. Cazier, C., P. Vaurie, AMNH), 1♂, 3♀.

  • DISTRIBUTION: South Bimini, Bahama Islands.

  • FIGS. 33–43.

    Cubanops andersoni, new species, male (except figs. 42, 43). 33. Habitus, dorsal view. 34. Same, ventral view. 35. Carapace, dorsal view. 36. Sternum and mouthparts, ventral view. 37. Epigastric area, ventral view. 38. Left palp, prolateral view. 39. Same, retrolateral view. 40. Bulb and embolus, prolateral view. 41. Embolus tip, prolateral view. 42. Presumably juvenile female, epigastric area, ventral view. 43. Same, dorsal view.


    FIGS. 44–52.

    Cubanops armasi, new species, male. 44. Habitus, dorsal view. 45. Same, ventral view. 46. Carapace, dorsal view. 47. Sternum and mouthparts, ventral view. 48. Epigastric region, ventral view. 49. Left palp, prolateral view. 50. Same, retrolateral view. 51. Bulb and embolus, prolateral view. 52. Embolus tip, prolateral view.


    FIGS. 53–59.

    Cubanops armasi, new species, female. 53. Habitus, dorsal view. 54. Same, ventral view. 55. Carapace, dorsal view. 56. Sternum and mouthparts, ventral view. 57. Epigastric region, ventral view. 58. Internal genitalia, ventral view. 59. Same, dorsal view.


    Cubanops andersoni , new species
    Figures 33–43

  • TYPE: Male holotype taken in a Berlese sample of litter from a coastal coppice at Pigeon Cay, Andros Island, Bahama Islands (May 1–6, 1994; R. Anderson), deposited in AMNH.

  • ETYMOLOGY: The specific name is a patronym in honor of Robert Anderson of the Canadian Museum of Nature, collector of the holotype and many other unusual spiders.

  • DIAGNOSIS: Males resemble those of C. ludovicorum and C. bimini, but have a much shorter dorsal extension on the embolar tip (fig. 41).

  • MALE: Total length 2.89 (figs. 33–41). Carapace pale yellow, with dark purple margins and median reticulations, those reticulations darkest opposite coxa II. Sternum pale orange, with pair of anterolateral dark spots just posterior of endites. Dorsum of abdomen light purple with five narrow, white chevrons. Legs pale yellow, with darkened sides on distal halves of anterior femora. Tip of embolus with short, rounded extension on dorsal surface, followed ventrally by hooked extension (fig. 41).

  • FEMALE: Unknown.

  • OTHER MATERIAL EXAMINED: TWO males taken with the type, along with a female that is apparently juvenile (figs. 42, 43), all in AMNH.

  • DISTRIBUTION: Andros Island, Bahama Islands.

  • Cubanops armasi , new species
    Figures 4459

  • TYPES: Male holotype (and male paratype) from Puerto Manatí, Las Tunas, Cuba (Dec. 1981; L. F. de Armas), deposited in BSC (609).

  • ETYMOLOGY: The specific name is a patronym in honor of the eminent Cuban arachnologist, Luis F. de Armas, collector of the holotype.

  • DIAGNOSIS: Males can easily be recognized by the basally thickened embolus with a short, bifid tip (figs. 51, 52), females by the relatively wide anterior margin of the receptaculum (figs. 58, 59). Males and females have not been collected together, but are here matched because of their geographic proximity and their mutual affinities to other members of the species group.

  • MALE: Total length 2.40 (figs. 44–52). Carapace pale yellow, with dark purple margins separated from median reticulations by distinct submarginal unmarked bands, reticulations darker laterally than medially. Sternum pale orange, with pair of anterolateral dark spots just posterior of endites. Dorsum of abdomen light purple with four white chevrons, chevrons largest anteriorly. Legs pale yellow, with darkened sides on distal halves of femora, tibiae, and anterior metatarsi. Base of embolus wide, tip bifid (figs. 51, 52).

  • FEMALE: Total length 3.98 (figs. 53–59). Coloration as in male except posterior metatarsi also with darkened sides. Genitalia with short, broad anterior margin occupying more than three-fourths of receptacular width (figs. 58, 59).

  • OTHER MATERIAL EXAMINED: CUBA: Holguín: Loma de Forestal, 1976, under rocks (G. Alayón, IES), 2♀.

  • DISTRIBUTION: Northeastern Cuba (Las Tunas and Holguín provinces).

  • FIGS. 60–67.

    Cubanops darlingtoni (Bryant), female. 60. Habitus, dorsal view. 61. Carapace and abdomen, dorsal view. 62. Same, ventral view. 63. Carapace, dorsal view. 64. Sternum and mouthparts, ventral view. 65. Epigastric region, ventral view. 66. Internal genitalia, ventral view. 67. Same, dorsal view.


    Cubanops darlingtoni (Bryant), new combination
    Figures 60–67

  • Caponina darlingtoni Bryant, 1948: 342 (female holotype from San José de las Matas, Santiago de los Caballeros, Dominican Republic, in MCZ; examined).

  • DIAGNOSIS: Females resemble those of the other members of the ludovicorum group, but have the membranous sac extending far more anteriorly of the sclerotized anterior margin of the receptaculum (figs. 66, 67).

  • MALE: Unknown.

  • FEMALE: Total length 3.82 (figs. 60–67). Carapace pale yellow, with dark purple margins separated from median reticulations by distinct submarginal unmarked bands, reticulations darker laterally than medially. Sternum dark orange, with submarginal darkened spots opposite each coxa. Anterior portion of abdominal dorsum dark purple, with median, longitudinal white stripe, posterior portion with three white chevrons, chevrons largest anteriorly. Femora, patellae, tibiae, and metatarsi darkened except for subproximal pale areas on femora and subdistal pale areas on each of those segments. Genitalia with widely arched anterior receptacular margin, membranous sac extending far anterior of that margin (figs. 66, 67).

  • MATERIAL EXAMINED: DOMINICAN REPUBLIC: Santiago de los Caballeros: San José de las Matas, June 1938, elev 1500 ft (P. Darlington, MCZ), 1♀ (holotype).

  • DISTRIBUTION: Santiago de los Caballeros province, Dominican Republic, Hispaniola.

  • The alayoni Group

  • Known only from Cuba and the Dominican Republic, this group contains six species with a relatively long embolus and a relatively high anterior receptaculum.

  • Cubanops alayoni , new species
    Figures 68163

  • TYPES: Male holotype and female allotype taken under rocks at an elevation of 630 m at Paso la Mina, Monte Viset, 4 km S of Cruce de los Baños, Tercer Frente municipality, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba (May 12, 2004; R. Teruel), deposited in BSC (596).

  • ETYMOLOGY: The specific name is a patronym in honor of Giraldo Alayón, the first arachnologist to study these spiders in Cuba.

  • DIAGNOSIS: Males differ from those of the other members of the species group in having the tip of the embolus wide, extending far beyond the subdistal process, and bearing subdistal as well as distal tiny prongs (figs. 104, 155, 156). Females resemble those of C. granpiedra and C. tortuguilla but have the median portion of the sclerotized anterior margin as wide as the lateral portions (figs. 162, 163).

  • MALE: Total length 2.93 (figs. 68106). Carapace pale yellow, with dark purple margins separated from median reticulations by distinct submarginal unmarked bands, reticulations darker laterally than medially. Sternum dark orange, with submarginal darkened spots opposite endites and coxae I and II. Abdominal dorsum dark purple, with four white chevrons, chevrons largest anteriorly. Femora, patellae, tibiae, and metatarsi darkened except for subproximal pale areas on femora and subdistal pale areas on patellae. Embolus long, narrow, subdistal process situated far from tip, distally curved; embolus tip wide, with subdistal as well as distal tiny prongs (figs. 104, 155, 156).

  • FEMALE: Total length 2.93 (figs. 107163). Coloration as in male except sternum with slight darkenings opposite posterior coxae, abdomen with smaller white chevrons. Anterior receptaculum triangular, high, anteriorly rounded, with sclerotized anterior margin as thick medially as laterally (figs. 162, 163).

  • OTHER MATERIAL EXAMINED: CUBA: Holguín: Cerro Las Tinajitas, Rafael Freyre, June 18, 2001, under rock (R. Teruel, Y. Pérez, BSC 607), 1♀, Oct. 9, 2002, under rock (R. Teruel, Y. Pérez, BSC 590), 1♀; Loma de la Cruz, Sept. 20, 2000, under rock, secondary forest (R. Teruel, BSC), 1♀. Santiago de Cuba: Jardin Botánico de Santiago de Cuba, Nov. 6, 1997, under rock (D. Maceira, BSC 594), 2♀, June 17, 1998, under rock (A. Sánchez, BSC), 1♀; La Cantera, Mella municipality, May 28, 2005, under rock (A. Sánchez, BSC 601), 2♂; Lomas al N del Cobre, Sept. 10, 2000, under rock (R. Teruel, BSC), 2♀; Paso la Mina, Monte Viset, 4 km S Cruce de los Baños, Tercer Frente municipality, May 12, 2004 (R. Teruel, BSC 592), 1♂, 3♀.

  • DISTRIBUTION: Eastern Cuba (Holguín and Santiago de Cuba provinces).

  • FIGS. 68–75.

    Cubanops alayoni, new species, male. 68. Habitus, dorsal view. 69. Same, lateral view. 70. Carapace, dorsal view. 71. Same, lateral view. 72. Same, anterior view. 73. Sternum and mouthparts, ventral view. 74. Labium and endites, ventral view. 75. Labrum and endites, dorsal view.


    FIGS. 76–83.

    Cubanops alayoni, new species, male. 76. Serrula, dorsal view. 77. Same, ventral view. 78. Chelicerae, anterior view. 79. Same, lateral view. 80. Same, posterior view. 81. Tip of right chelicera, posterior view. 82. Metatarsus and tarsus I, lateral view. 83. Distal tip of metatarsus I, ventral view.


    FIGS. 84–91.

    Cubanops alayoni, new species, male. 84. Extension of metatarsal membrane under tarsus I, ventral view. 85. Distal tip of metatarsus II, lateral view. 86. Leg III, lateral view (note unisegmented metatarsus). 87. Metatarsus IV, lateral view. 88. Tarsal organ from leg I, dorsal view. 89. Same, leg II. 90. Same, leg III. 91. Same, leg IV.


    FIGS. 92–99.

    Cubanops alayoni, new species, male. 92. Claws of leg I, lateral view. 93. Same, leg II. 94. Same, leg III. 95. Same, leg IV. 96. Spinnerets, distal view. 97. Anterior lateral spinneret, distal view. 98. Posterior median spinneret, distal view. 99. Posterior lateral spinneret, distal view.


    FIGS. 100–107.

    Cubanops alayoni, new species, male (except fig. 107). 100. Palp, retrolateral view. 101. Same, prolateral view. 102. Palpal femur, prolateral view. 103. Stridulatory pick at base of palpal femur, prolateral view. 104. Tip of embolus, prolateral view. 105. Tip of palpal tarsus, dorsal view. 106. Trichobothrial base from tibia III, dorsal view. 107. Female, carapace, anterior view.


    FIGS. 108–115.

    Cubanops alayoni, new species, female. 108. Habitus, dorsal view. 109. Same, lateral view. 110. Carapace, dorsal view. 111. Same, lateral view. 112. Tarsal organ from leg I, dorsal view. 113. Same, leg II. 114. Same, leg III. 115. Same, leg IV.


    FIGS. 116–123.

    Cubanops alayoni, new species, female. 116. Sternum and mouthparts, ventral view. 117. Labium and endites, ventral view. 118. Labrum and endites, dorsal view. 119. Serrula, dorsal view. 120. Chelicerae, anterior view. 121. Same, lateral view. 122. Same, posterior view. 123. Tip of right chelicera, posterior view.


    FIGS. 124–131.

    Cubanops alayoni, new species, female. 124. Leg I, lateral view. 125. Distal tip of metatarsus I, and tarsus, lateral view. 126. Distal tip of metatarsus I, ventral view. 127. Extension of metatarsal membrane under tarsus I, lateral view. 128. Same, ventral view. 129. Metatarsus and tarsus II, lateral view. 130. Leg III, lateral view. 131. Metatarsus IV, lateral view.


    FIGS. 132–139.

    Cubanops alayoni, new species, female. 132. Claws of leg I, lateral view. 133. Same, leg II. 134. Same, leg III. 135. Same, leg IV. 136. Claws of leg IV, oblique ventral view. 137. Trichobothrial base from tibia II, dorsal view. 138. Anterior respiratory system and genitalia, digested, dorsal view. 139. Anterior margin of receptaculum, dorsal view.


    FIGS. 140–147.

    Cubanops alayoni, new species, female. 140. Spinnerets, distal view. 141. Anterior lateral spinneret, distal view. 142. Posterior median spinneret, distal view. 143. Posterior lateral spinneret, distal view. 144. Palp, prolateral view. 145. Same, retrolateral view. 146. Palpal femur, prolateral view. 147. Base of palpal femur, prolateral view, showing stridulatory pick.


    FIGS. 148–156.

    Cubanops alayoni, new species, male. 148. Habitus, dorsal view. 149. Same, ventral view. 150. Carapace, dorsal view. 151. Sternum and mouthparts, ventral view. 152. Epigastric region, ventral view. 153. Left palp, prolateral view. 154. Same, retrolateral view. 155. Bulb and embolus, prolateral view. 156. Embolus tip, prolateral view.


    FIGS. 157–163.

    Cubanops alayoni, new species, female. 157. Habitus, dorsal view. 158. Same, ventral view. 159. Carapace, dorsal view. 160. Sternum and mouthparts, ventral view. 161. Epigastric region, ventral view. 162. Internal genitalia, ventral view. 163. Same, dorsal view.


    FIGS. 164–172.

    Cubanops juragua, new species, male. 164. Habitus, dorsal view. 165. Same, ventral view. 166. Carapace, dorsal view. 167. Sternum and mouthparts, ventral view. 168. Epigastric region, ventral view. 169. Left palp, prolateral view. 170. Same, retrolateral view. 171. Bulb and embolus, prolateral view. 172. Embolus tip, prolateral view.


    FIGS. 173–179.

    Cubanops juragua, new species, female. 173. Habitus, dorsal view. 174. Same, ventral view. 175. Carapace, dorsal view. 176. Sternum and mouthparts, ventral view. 177. Epigastric region, ventral view. 178. Internal genitalia, ventral view. 179. Same, dorsal view.


    FIGS. 180–188.

    Cubanops granpiedra, new species, male. 180. Habitus, dorsal view. 181. Same, ventral view. 182. Carapace, dorsal view. 183. Sternum and mouthparts, ventral view. 184. Epigastric region, ventral view. 185. Left palp, prolateral view. 186. Same, retrolateral view. 187. Bulb and embolus, prolateral view. 188. Embolus tip, prolateral view.


    FIGS. 189–195.

    Cubanops granpiedra, new species, female. 189. Habitus, dorsal view. 190. Same, ventral view. 191. Carapace, dorsal view. 192. Sternum and mouthparts, ventral view. 193. Epigastric region, ventral view. 194. Internal genitalia, ventral view. 195. Same, dorsal view.


    Cubanops juragua , new species
    Figures 164179

  • TYPE: Male holotype taken under rock at Playa Juragua, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba (Aug. 2, 1999; R. Teruel), deposited in BSC.

  • ETYMOLOGY: The specific name is a noun in apposition taken from the type locality.

  • DIAGNOSIS: Males resemble those of C. alayoni but have the subdistal process on the embolus originating at a right angle to the embolus tip, which lacks tiny subdistal prongs (figs. 171, 172); females have a distinctively shaped, distally acute receptaculum (figs. 178, 179). Males and females have not been collected together, but are here matched because of their geographic proximity and their mutual affinities to other members of the species group.

  • MALE: Total length 2.61 (figs. 164–172). Carapace pale yellow, with thin, purple margins separated from paramedian reticulations by distinct submarginal unmarked bands, reticulations on each side separated by median, longitudinal unmarked band extending onto anterior portion of pars thoracica. Sternum orange, without submarginal darkened spots. Abdominal dorsum with purple markings reduced to five dark chevrons. Sides of femora, tibiae, and metatarsi darkened. Embolus long, narrow, subdistal process situated far from tip, originating at right angle; embolus tip wide, without subdistal tiny prongs (figs. 171, 172).

  • FEMALE: Total length 3.59 (figs. 173–179). Coloration as in male except abdominal dark chevrons larger. Receptaculum forming equilateral triangle, distally acute (figs. 178, 179).

  • OTHER MATERIAL EXAMINED: CUBA: Santiago de Cuba: Ciudamar, Mar. 2, 1999 (R. Teruel, BSC), 1♀; La Socapa, Aug. 23, 2001, under rock (R. Teruel, BSC), 2♂, Dec. 11, 2002 (R. Teruel, A. Sánchez, BSC 599), 2♀; Zona Morro, Nov. 26, 1976, under large rock (L. Riverón, G. Alayón, IES), 1♀.

  • DISTRIBUTION: Eastern Cuba (Santiago de Cuba province).

  • Cubanops granpiedra , new species
    Figures 180195

  • TYPES: Male holotype and female allotype taken at an elevation of 550 m at km. 7.5 on road to La Gran Piedra, Santiago de Cuba Municipality, 20°00′23″N, 75°40′31″W, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba (May 8, 2010; N. Platnick, A. Sánchez, A. Pérez, G. Alayón), deposited in BSC.

  • ETYMOLOGY: The specific name is a noun in apposition taken from the type locality.

  • DIAGNOSIS: Males resemble those of C. alayoni but have a longer subdistal process that is almost as long as the embolus tip itself (figs. 187, 188); females also resemble those of C. alayoni but have a thinner anterior margin on the receptaculum that is weaker anteriorly than laterally (figs. 194, 195).

  • MALE: Total length 2.68 (figs. 180–188). Carapace pale yellow, with dark purple margins separated from paramedian reticulations by distinct submarginal unmarked bands, reticulations on each side separated by median, longitudinal unmarked band occupying pars cephalica only. Sternum orange, with submarginal dark markings occupying anterior one-fifth of sternal surface. Abdominal dorsum almost entirely purple, with only four tiny, pale chevrons. Sides of femora, tibiae, and metatarsi darkened. Embolus long, narrow, subdistal process situated far from tip but extending almost as far distally as tip (figs. 187, 188).

  • FEMALE: Total length 3.16 (figs. 189–195). Coloration as in male except anterior margin of sternum with greatly darkened spots opposite endites. Receptaculum forming broad triangle, sclerotized anterior margin thinner across median third than on sides (figs. 194, 195).


  • DISTRIBUTION: Known only from the type locality in Santiago de Cuba province, Cuba.

  • FIGS. 196–204.

    Cubanops terueli, new species, male. 196. Habitus, dorsal view. 197. Same, ventral view. 198. Carapace, dorsal view. 199. Sternum and mouthparts, ventral view. 200. Epigastric region, ventral view. 201. Left palp, prolateral view. 202. Same, retrolateral view. 203. Bulb and embolus, prolateral view. 204. Embolus tip, prolateral view.


    FIGS. 205–211.

    Cubanops terueli, new species, female. 205. Habitus, dorsal view. 206. Same, ventral view. 207. Carapace, dorsal view. 208. Sternum and mouthparts, ventral view. 209. Epigastric region, ventral view. 210. Internal genitalia, ventral view. 211. Same, dorsal view.


    FIGS. 212–218.

    Cubanops tortuguilla, new species, female. 212. Habitus, dorsal view. 213. Same, ventral view. 214. Carapace, dorsal view. 215. Sternum and mouthparts, ventral view. 216. Epigastric region, ventral view. 217. Internal genitalia, ventral view. 218. Same, dorsal view.


    Cubanops terueli , new species
    Figures 196211

  • TYPES: Male holotype and female allotype taken under rocks along the margins of the Río Guaurabo, Trinidad, 21°48′10″N, 80°00′42″W, Sancti Spiritus, Cuba (May 20, 2006; R. Teruel), deposited in BSC (606).

  • ETYMOLOGY: The specific name is a patronym in honor of Rolando Teruel, collector of the types and many other caponiids.

  • DIAGNOSIS: Males have a distinctively recurved subdistal process on the embolus (figs. 203, 204); females have a distinctively narrowed apex on the anterior receptaculum (figs. 210, 211).

  • MALE: Total length 2.72 (figs. 196–204). Carapace pale yellow with whiter areas, dark purple margins separated from paramedian reticulations by distinct submarginal unmarked bands, reticulations weak, those on each side separated by median, longitudinal unmarked band extending most of carapace length. Sternum orange, with faint dark markings opposite endites. Abdominal dorsum purple, with four white chevrons, most anterior chevron largest. Femora and tibiae darkened except around proximal and distal ends. Embolus long, narrow, subdistal process recurved, tip with four tiny prongs (figs. 203, 204).

  • FEMALE: Total length 3.98 (figs. 205–211). Coloration as in male except abdominal dorsum with most anterior chevron only slightly larger than others. Receptaculum with abruptly narrowed tip (figs. 210, 211)

  • OTHER MATERIAL EXAMINED: CUBA: Sancti Spiritus: vicinity of Río Guaurabo, Trinidad, Nov. 20, 1976 (L. Hernández, IES), 1♂.

  • DISTRIBUTION: Central Cuba (Sancti Spíritus province).

  • FIGS. 219–227.

    Cubanops vega, new species, male. 219. Habitus, dorsal view. 220. Same, ventral view. 221. Carapace, dorsal view. 222. Sternum and mouthparts, ventral view. 223. Epigastric region, ventral view. 224. Left palp, prolateral view. 225. Same, retrolateral view. 226. Bulb and embolus, prolateral view. 227. Embolus tip, prolateral view.


    FIGS. 228–234.

    Cubanops vega, new species, female. 228. Habitus, dorsal view. 229. Same, ventral view. 230. Carapace, dorsal view. 231. Sternum and mouthparts, ventral view. 232. Epigastric region, ventral view. 233. Internal genitalia, ventral view. 234. Same, dorsal view.


    Cubanops tortuguilla , new species
    Figures 212–218

  • TYPE: Female holotype taken under rock at Tortuguilla, San A. del Sur, Guantánamo, Cuba (Nov. 10, 2000; R. Teruel), deposited in BSC (593).

  • ETYMOLOGY: The specific name is a noun in apposition taken from the type locality.

  • DIAGNOSIS: Females can be recognized by the laterally thickened anterior margin of the receptaculum, and the relatively long membranous sac anterior of that margin (figs. 217, 218).

  • MALE: Unknown.

  • FEMALE: Total length 4.14 (figs. 212–218). Carapace pale yellow with whiter areas, margins not darkened, reticulations weak, reduced to two curved, paramedian bands. Sternum orange, margins rebordered but without dark markings. Abdominal dorsum white with two pairs of anterior purple patches, posterior pair much larger than anterior, followed posteriorly by three purple chevrons. Anterior femora and tibiae slightly darkened. Sclerotized anterior margin of receptaculum with greatly thickened sides (figs. 217, 218).


  • DISTRIBUTION: Eastern Cuba (Guantánamo province).

  • Cubanops vega , new species
    Figures 219234

  • TYPES: Male holotype taken in a flight intercept trap at an elevation of 550 m in a forest at Hotel Montaña, 10 km NE of Jarabacoa, La Vega, Dominican Republic (July 18-Aug. 4, 1995; S. and J. Peck), deposited in AMNH.

  • ETYMOLOGY: The specific name is a noun in apposition taken from the type locality.

  • DIAGNOSIS: Males have a distinctively long and sinuous embolus (figs. 226, 227); females have the medial, distal portion of the sclerotized anterior receptacular margin thicker than the lateral portions (figs. 233, 234); both sexes have dark markings occupying both lateral margins of the sternum (figs. 222, 231).

  • MALE: Total length 2.68 (figs. 219–227). Carapace dark orange, with dark purple margins separated from paramedian reticulations by narrow submarginal unmarked bands, reticulations on each side separated by median, longitudinal unmarked band occupying pars cephalica only. Sternum orange, with submarginal dark markings opposite endites and all leg coxae. Abdominal dorsum purple, with four narrow, white chevrons. Basal and distal portions of femora, and all but distal portions of tibiae and metatarsi darkened. Embolus long, sinuous, subdistal process situated far from tip (figs. 226, 227).

  • FEMALE: Total length 3.59 (figs. 228–234). Coloration as in male. Sclerotized anterior margin of receptaculum thicker across anteriormost third than on sides (figs. 233, 234).

  • OTHER MATERIAL EXAMINED: DOMINICAN REPUBLIC: La Vega: Raquet Club, 10 km NE Jarabacoa, July 20-Aug. 4, 1995, flight intercept trap, mixed forest, elev. 550 m (S., J. Peck, AMNH), 2♂; Raquet Club Road, 12 km NE Jarabacoa, Aug. 4, 1995, broken termite nest, elev. 550 m (S., J. Peck, AMNH), 1 ♀.

  • DISTRIBUTION: La Vega province, Dominican Republic, Hispaniola.


    We thank Giraldo Alayón for his help over many years, and both Abel Pérez and Giraldo Alayón for their invaluable assistance in the field. Specimens from the MCZ were kindly made available by Gonzalo Giribet and Laura Leibensperger. We are indebted to Darrell Ubick and Peter Jäger for their helpful comments on a draft of the manuscript, to Steve Thurston for composing the plates, and to the Peter J. Solomon Family Spider Research Fund for supporting our joint fieldwork in Cuba and the publication of the color images.



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    Copyright © American Museum of Natural History 2010
    Alexander Sánchez-Ruiz, Norman I. Platnick, and Nadine Dupérré "A New Genus of the Spider Family Caponiidae (Araneae, Haplogynae) from the West Indies," American Museum Novitates 2010(3705), 1-44, (29 December 2010).
    Published: 29 December 2010
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