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26 March 2021 Another Mystery Snail in the Adirondacks: DNA Barcoding Reveals the First Record of Sinotaia cf. Quadrata (Caenogastropoda: Viviparidae) from North America
Ethan O'Leary, Donovan Jojo, Andrew A. David
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Invasive mollusks pose a serious threat to global freshwater diversity and have been implicated in many ecosystem-altering invasion events over the past few decades. Biomonitoring surveys are therefore a key tool for ensuring biosecurity in diversity hotspots and vulnerable habitats. In this study, we use DNA barcoding to provide the first record of the viviparid, Sinotaia cf. quadrata (Benson, 1842) from North America. Reciprocal monophyly and low genetic divergence (uncorrected p-distance: 0.004) with a Bellamya quadrata (Benson, 1842) individual from the type region (China) provides strong support for this identification. The species was recovered as part of a routine biomonitoring survey of the Adirondack region of northern New York. Only three adults were recovered (no populations or juveniles) suggesting that the discovery represents a very recent arrival. Considering the proximity of the sampling site from the massive St. Lawrence River, it is likely that S. cf. quadrata was introduced into the St. Lawrence, probably via the aquarium plant trade, and was able to spread into smaller river system in northern New York and possibly other border states. This record represents the fourth alien viviparid, the third of which is of Asian origin that have made its way to New York waters. Future biomonitoring efforts for the upcoming summer period will involve targeted searches for S. cf. quadrata to determine the extent of its spread in the region.

Ethan O'Leary, Donovan Jojo, and Andrew A. David "Another Mystery Snail in the Adirondacks: DNA Barcoding Reveals the First Record of Sinotaia cf. Quadrata (Caenogastropoda: Viviparidae) from North America," American Malacological Bulletin 38(2), 76-80, (26 March 2021).
Received: 1 January 2021; Accepted: 26 February 2021; Published: 26 March 2021
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