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1 March 2008 Life history and host fish identification for Fusconaia burkei and Pleurobema strodeanum (Bivalvia: Unionidae)
Megan P. White, Holly N. Blalock-Herod, Paul M. Stewart
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We documented the period of gravidity, identified the fish host, and described the glochidia for two mussel species, Fusconaia burkei (Wright, 1898) and Pleurobema strodeanum Walker, 1922, in Eightmile Creek, Walton County, Florida. Populations of both species were checked monthly from December 2003 to October 2004 and were found to be gravid from the middle of March to late May. The size and shape of F. burkei and P. strodeanum glochidia were similar. Conglutinates released by F. burkei were pink-colored and cylindrical in shape, tapering sharply on both ends. Pleurobema strodeanum conglutinates were creamy or peach-colored and wider with a more flattened appearance than those of F. burkei. Ten potential host fish species were exposed to either F. burkei or P. strodeanum glochidia. We identified the blacktail shiner (Cyprinella venusta) as a host fish species for both F. burkei and P. strodeanum.

Megan P. White, Holly N. Blalock-Herod, and Paul M. Stewart "Life history and host fish identification for Fusconaia burkei and Pleurobema strodeanum (Bivalvia: Unionidae)," American Malacological Bulletin 24(1), 121-125, (1 March 2008).
Received: 1 October 2006; Accepted: 1 November 2007; Published: 1 March 2008
Choctawhatchee River
freshwater mussels
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