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1 April 2015 New Biostratigraphic Proposal for the Lower Palaeozoic Tucunuco Group (San Juan Precordillera, Argentina) Based on Marine and Terrestrial Palynomorphs
Victoria J. García-Muro, Claudia V. Rubinstein
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This is an exhaustive analysis of the palynomorph assemblages, organic-walled marine phytoplankton and miospores from the Tucunuco Group. This group includes the La Chilca and Los Espejos formations and is exposed in the Central Precordillera of San Juan. Four localities were included in this study, i.e., Río Jáchal, Río de las Chacritas, Cerro La Chilca and Quebrada Ancha. Previous data concerning several fossil groups, such as graptolites, conodonts and brachiopods, suggest a mainly Llandovery—Wenlock? age for the La Chilca Formation and a Wenlock to locally Lochkovian age for the Los Espejos Formation. Marine palynomorphs are predominant in the two formations in all the studied sections. Although terrestrial palynomorphs are the minor component, trilete spores are abundant, diverse and biostatigraphically relevant in the Los Espejos Formation. Correlations using marine palynomorph assemblages and miospore biozones recognized worldwide allow constraining the age of the two stratigraphic units. Based on marine phytoplankton, the middle—upper part of the La Chilca Formation is assigned to the Wenlock. In the Los Espejos Formation, palynomorph assemblages allow the recognition, from the base to the top, of the Wenlock with doubts, the Ludlow, and the Pridolí. The Lochkovian has been documented exclusively in the northern part of the basin. This confirms the presence of the Silurian/Devonian boundary in the upper part of the Los Espejos Formation. A north-south correlation panel of the studied sections is presented.

Victoria J. García-Muro and Claudia V. Rubinstein "New Biostratigraphic Proposal for the Lower Palaeozoic Tucunuco Group (San Juan Precordillera, Argentina) Based on Marine and Terrestrial Palynomorphs," Ameghiniana 52(2), 265-285, (1 April 2015).
Received: 27 August 2014; Accepted: 1 December 2014; Published: 1 April 2015
Argentinian Precordillera
Fitoplancton de pared orgánica
Grupo Tucunuco
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