VEGETATION HISTORY OF THE COASTAL PLAINS FROM SAMBOROMBÓN BAY (∼35.5° S), ARGENTINA, SINCE 7800 14C YEARS. The palynological analysis from a sedimentary sequence, outcropping on the right bank of the Salado River (35° 55′ S - 57° 53′ W), 30 km from the present coastline of the Samborombón Bay, allowed to reconstruct the vegetation history for the central bay area since c. 7800 14C years BP. Results indicate the development of different plant communities: middle-marsh halophytic vegetation between 7800 and 7000 14C years BP, replaced by low-marsh brackish grasses between 7000 and 5400 14C years BP in relation to sea-level highstand; a transitional high salt-marsh halophytic community, developed between 5400 and 4300 14C years BP; and, brackish marsh vegetation and grasslands between 4300 and 1700 14C years BP, with progressive decrease of estuarine conditions due to sea-level fall and littoral ridge progradation. These results along with those from the south of the Samborombón Bay and Mar Chiquita coastal plain (southeastern Buenos Aires province) showed a similar vegetation in the region, characterized by low-marsh and coastal lagoon halophytic grasses, developed between 5400 and 4300 14C years BP; and a local differentiation after 4300 14C years BP related to the geomorphology of each area: a brackish marsh vegetation in the Samborombón Bay, psammophytic communities at the south of the bay and middle salt-marsh halophytic communities in Mar Chiquita coastal plain. These changes reveal the sensitive response of vegetation from coastal marshes to the sea-level fluctuations and geomorphologic evolution.
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1 September 2012
Historia de la Vegetación de Las Llanuras Costeras de la Bahía Samborombón (∼35,5°s), Argentina, Desde 7800 14C Años
Isabel Vilan Ova,
Aldo R. Prieto
Vol. 49 • No. 3
September 2012
Vol. 49 • No. 3
September 2012
Bahía Samborombón
Nivel del mar
Palynological records