The present study is a further contribution to the systematic knowledge of the ostracods from the southern Brazilian continental shelf. Twelve species of Trachyleberididae are recorded, including the following six new taxa: Cativella ornelasae sp. nov., C. sudbrasilienis sp. nov. sp., Henryhowella inflata sp. nov., Henryhowella verrucosa sp. nov., Ambocythere venusta sp. nov. and Basslerites costata sp. nov. The other six species have been recorded in previous studies, either in shallow or bathyal depths in both Brazilian waters and adjacent areas. Most species recorded herein are distributed in the neritic zone, except three, i.e., Trachyleberis aorata, Ambocythere venusta sp. nov. and C. sudbrasilienis sp. nov. The first two species are eurybathic, while C. sudbrasilienis sp. nov. is restricted to the inner shelf.
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1 March 2012
Recent Ostracods (Family Trachyleberididae) from the Southern Brazilian Continental Shelf
Maria Inês Feijó Ramos,
João Carlos Coimbra,
Cristianini Trescastro Bergue,
Robin Charles Whatley