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1 September 2011 La Flora Triásica del Grupo el Tranquilo, Provincia de Santa Cruz (Patagonia): Leños Fósiles
Alexandra Crisafulli, Rafael Herbst
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THE TRIASSIC FLORA FROM THE EL TRANQUILO GROUP, PROVINCE OF SANTA CRUZ (PATAGONIA): FOSSIL WOODS. Anatomical studies of gymnosperms from the Laguna Colorada Formation of El Tranquilo Group (Upper Triassic) from Santa Cruz Province, Argentina, are presented. The following taxa are described: Araucariaceae: Agathoxylon lamaibandianus sp. nov., Agathoxylon dallonii (Boureau) Crisafulli and Herbst comb. nov., Agathoxylon amraparense (Sah and Jain) Crisafulli and Herbst comb, nov.; Podocarpaceae: Podocarpoxylon indicum (Bardwaj) Bose and Maheshwari, Podocarpoxylon paralatifolium Vozenin-Serra and Grant-Mackie, Protophyllocladoxylon sp., and a new species of the ginkgoalean, Ginkgophytoxylon isychozianus Crisafulli and Herbst sp. nov., which is well diferentiated from the other two Permian species of the genus recorded from France, New Mexico (USA) and Uruguay. The validity of the latter genus is discussed and mantained. Some comments are made on the paleoclimatic conditions indicated by the characters of cells of secondary xylem in their growth rings.

Alexandra Crisafulli and Rafael Herbst "La Flora Triásica del Grupo el Tranquilo, Provincia de Santa Cruz (Patagonia): Leños Fósiles," Ameghiniana 48(3), 275-288, (1 September 2011).
Received: 15 February 2010; Accepted: 9 June 2011; Published: 1 September 2011
Provincia de Santa Cruz
Santa Cruz Province
Triásico Superior
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