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1 March 2014 Palinologia das formações Rio Bonito e Palermo (Permiano Inferior, Bacia do Paraná) em Candiota, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil: novos dados e implicações bioestratigráficas
Ana L.O. Mori, Paulo A. Souza
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Palynology Of The Rio Bonito and Palermo Formations (lower Permian, Paraná Basin) in Candiota, Rio Grande Do Sul, Brazil: new data and biostratigraphic implications. New palynologic associations were recovered from an outcrop located at BR 293 Highway, between Bagé and Candiota municipalities, Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil, related to the Rio Bonito and Palermo formations, Lower Permian of Paraná Basin. Eight samples were colected and studied, showing rich and diversified palynofloras. A total of 76 species were recognized, 42 corresponding to spores, 24 to pollen grains and 10 related to algae and fungi. Palynomorphs registered in the section here analysed indicate the recognition of the Vittatina costabilis and Lueckisporites virrkiae zones. Species with stratigraphic ranges limitated to Itararé Subgroup and Rio Bonito Formation were identified in a higher stratigrapical levels, meaning for instance, increasing on the stratigraphic range of these taxa. On the other hand, other stratigraphic interpretations are possible, constituting the scope of the present contribution.

©Asociación Paleontoógica Argentina
Ana L.O. Mori and Paulo A. Souza "Palinologia das formações Rio Bonito e Palermo (Permiano Inferior, Bacia do Paraná) em Candiota, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil: novos dados e implicações bioestratigráficas," Ameghiniana 47(1), 61-78, (1 March 2014).
Published: 1 March 2014
Bacia do Paraná
Lower Permian
Paraná Basin
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