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1 July 2009 Implications of Climate Change for Economic Development in Northern Canada: Energy, Resource, and Transportation Sectors
Terry D. Prowse, Chris Furgal, Rebecca Chouinard, Humfrey Melling, David Milburn, Sharon L. Smith
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Northern Canada is projected to experience major changes to its climate, which will have major implications for northern economic development. Some of these, such as mining and oil and gas development, have experienced rapid expansion in recent years and are likely to expand further, partly as the result of indirect effects of changing climate. This article reviews how a changing climate will affect several economic sectors including the hydroelectric, oil and gas, and mining industries as well as infrastructure and transportation, both marine and freshwater. Of particular importance to all sectors are projected changes in the cryosphere, which will create both problems and opportunities. Potential adaptation strategies that could be used to minimize the negative impacts created by a climate change are also reviewed.

Terry D. Prowse, Chris Furgal, Rebecca Chouinard, Humfrey Melling, David Milburn, and Sharon L. Smith "Implications of Climate Change for Economic Development in Northern Canada: Energy, Resource, and Transportation Sectors," AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment 38(5), 272-281, (1 July 2009).
Published: 1 July 2009

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