In this study the effectiveness of two synthetic (Bayvarol and Apivar) and two natural acaricides (Apiguard and ApiLife Var) against Varroa destructor were evaluated with use of infested colonies of Apis mellifera intermissa, housed in Langstroth standard hives. Each acaricide was tested in five hives, and one group of five hives was left untreated as the control. All acaricides significantly reduced the levels of varroa mite infestation on adult honeybees and worker brood, but the efficacy was higher for Apiguard (93–97 %) and ApiLife Var (94–98 %) compared to Bayvarol (85–90 %) and Apivar (82–88 %). Overall, the data indicated that essential oils like Apiguard and ApiLife Var can be recommended in the control of V. destructor, while synthetic varroacides like Bayvarol and Apivar should be minimized due to increased mite resistance for these products.