Studies both in the field and in the laboratory were conducted on the biology and behavior characteristics of pecan leaf scorch mite (PLSM), Eotetranychus hicoriae (McGregor). Temperatures above 35.0°C and below 18.3°C were found to be detrimental to PLSM populations. The life cycle of PLSM at 15.5, 18.3, 21.1, 26.7, 32.2 and 35.0°C was investigated. There was a trend to shorter developmental periods as temperature increased. No eggs developed below 18.3°C and generation mortality increased with temperature.
Investigations of PLSM feeding effects on N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, B and Zn content of seedlings showed nitrogen to be the most affected and magnesium the least affected. The interaction between PLSM feeding and nitrogen fertilizer levels showed that at excess (600 ppm) nitrogen levels, PLSM feeding stimulated seedling growth while at low (0 ppm) and recommended (200 ppm) nitrogen levels, PLSM inhibited growth.